Tuesday, March 7…Banana Pudding (Southern Culture On The Skids)

    Walked to Nutt Rd this morning…started out as a fully cloudy day, eventually the clouds moved on and the sun came out occasionally. I had a coaching call this morning, so I left 20 minutes before Kim and somehow he finished a good ten minutes before me.  He was doing a time trial to see what a reasonable goal for the Shamrock Walk might be. Last weekend after the Coolidge Walk, he mentioned that we could shoot for forty-five in the Shamrock. This is what I know: forty-five minutes isn’t going to happen for me without running…and I do not intend to run.   


   We spent a good deal of the day cleaning out the truck so it’s ready to trade-in or sell when the time comes.  Now we need to figure out what to do with all the junk that we took out of it. Of course, when and if we get another vehicle some of it will go back in but it needs to be stored somewhere until that time.                                      


    Major amount of pecan orchards in the Picacho area.  In the years we’ve been coming to Arizona, we’ve watched a new orchard being planted, anticipated the water pumps being switched on which signifies that the canals would fill and the orchards watered, and have seen the trees turn from winter gray to spring green as the leaves start budding.  But we’ve never seen the pecan trees being trimmed; that job is usually completed before we arrive in mid to late February.

Pecan tree trimmer
   The trees have a distinct look after they’ve been trimmed: straight on the sides and angled like a pitched roof toward the top. Without knowing the first thing about it, I pictured a way such a look might be accomplished. A tractor…a long arm…a saw blade attached to the long arm. Well, this year we saw the trimmer in action, and while it differed slightly from what I had imagined, the basics were there. The tractor actually looked like a skid steer on steroids, the long arm extended outward on an angle from the front of the tractor (I suppose that’s so the limbs don’t fall on the tractor) and there were two circular blades. Unclear whether it required one pass or two down the row to produce the odd haircut.

  The day we saw the trimmer in action, I did a google search to gather more information on it. Learnedthere are a variety of orchard trimming machines out there but not sure I remember much about any one machine.  Saw a trimmer sitting alongside the road today which was different than the trimmer we saw in action. Six blades and the long arm can bend. Would’ve loved to see it work.  Harvesting takes place around September…while the process intrigues me, I’m not willing to drive 2000 miles just to watch pecans being picked.  I don’t even like pecans. 


   The day warmed up into the 70s so after the truck was thoroughly cleaned inside, I took a quick bike ride to Coolidge while Kim went to wash the outside of the truck.  In the past, we did a lot more riding but last year when Kim couldn’t ride, we did more hiking…in the desert, in Sabino Canyon, in the National Park, up Picacho Peak, etc. I still rode but nothing far afield…I kept it to the Coolidge, Florence, Casa Grande area.  The weather so far this year hasn’t been the best for riding but any amount of riding I do here is more than I’d be doing back home so it’s all good!


   The campground had a potluck tonight that maybe 15 people attended.  Such good food! Mac ‘n Cheese, Shepherd’s Pie, scalloped potatoes, sloppy joes, fried chicken and more…and banana pudding! I haven’t had banana pudding since I was a kid…which means I never made it for my kids. Hmmm…I wonder why that is. Anyway, that pudding was a big hit with everyone…good thing Audra brought a large pan of it.  😋 A potluck isn’t something I would normally gravitate to but Audra made a special trip from the clubhouse to let us know about it so we went.  And I’m glad we did because it was fun!


40 Days of Lent challenge:  Fast from social media today.  Mission accomplished with one exception…I went on FB early this morning to wish my brother a happy birthday.  Just a quick get-on and then I was off for the rest of the day. I can post my journal to the blog site and subsequently on FB without even opening FB so I’m good to go there and the few pictures I took today can wait to be posted.  


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