Thursday, March 2…Busy Doin’ Nothing (The Beach Boys)

8:30 a.m.:  I was up early to participate in a Zoom meeting for my class because 8:50 a.m. Michigan time means 6:50 Arizona time.  To minimize the use of glaring lights and make it brighter in the camper, I opened the back ramp.  Didn’t take but a minute to realize it was too darn cold out for the ramp to be down. So, I settled for a slightly darkened, fuzzy cave look with glaring lights off to the side.

   I’m not a self-motivated early riser; I see no purpose in getting up while it’s still dark outside. Last night I set the alarm for 6:30 to give myself the bare minimum time to wake up and get my wits about me.  It was still a bit darkish, but it wasn’t long before the sun popped from behind the Picacho Mountains. That made it so much easier to justify being up that early.  I’m wondering if forcing myself to get up this early everyday will help with getting my body clock straightened out.  I’ll see what I think about that idea tonight. 


   Today was the day to take off the clear adhesive covering on our tattoos. I figured a warm cloth would help loosen it, but that idea was discarded when I realized that was just removing the top layer while leaving the adhesive behind.  Oops!  So, it was on to Plan B which was to just start pulling it off.  Getting a small bit of the edge to pull up was probably the hardest part because it was sticking tight to my arm; Kim had a much easier time of it than I did.  But it was fairly easy to pull off once I got it started and it didn’t even hurt as much as I thought it would. Yay for that! Tattoos are looking good and now we’re onto the lotion phase.


   Got some action on the cell camera out by the desert game trail…besides blowing weeds, that is. This morning a coyote came wandering through.  It was walking away from the camera so it was a shot of its backside but no matter, it proves that Kim picked the right spot. And yes, that is snow in the picture.


Evening Update:     

   We were definitely hanging out in the slow lane today; the bulk of our day was spent just being in the warm camper. Didn't even attempt a walk; just sat on my butt.  I painted rocks and Kim looked at used trucks in the area. Sky was cloudy and the temperature made it into the mid-40s by afternoon, but according to the weather it was only feeling like 38o. But it wasn’t raining, and it wasn’t snowing so the day had that going for it.  By mid-afternoon the sun had come out and we were feeling a little guilty for doing nothing, so we took a ride to look for a place suitable for Kim to use his metal detector.  The place we both thought would be ideal seems to be fenced in this year.  Spent a couple of hours wandering around and found one spot that might be okay.


   In our wandering today, we discovered an obvious javelina trail along the side of Nutt Road.  By the size of some of the tracks, there are little ones in the squadron. Scouted out the best spot to put the cell camera hoping to get pictures and video.  I doubt that any animals are using the game trail we watched on camera the last couple of years; right now it’s a water filled ditch feeding a small lake that formed outside the culvert.  If I was a javelina or a coyote, I wouldn’t struggle through that much water; I’d find another route.  Just sayin’…


   Drove over to Toltec Rd. to check on the hawk nest and the gorilla mask.  We found both on our first stay in the area back in 2016.  We’ve done at least a yearly check to see if the nest is occupied and if the one-eyed monkey mask is still laying on the ground.  It’s an ugly, slightly creepy mask and making sure both are still in their places is just part of the routine we’ve developed.  Routines may be changing, though 

   Disappointed to see that the nest had been taken down. All trace of it is gone from the top of the power pole; however, big sticks are scattered around the base of the electrical pole so I’m sure the utility company took it down instead of it being blown down.  I understand the need to eliminate a hazard but it was something I looked forward to seeing each year. And we couldn’t find the monkey mask, either. However, there are a couple of large deep puddles on the gravel road and I’m willing to wait until the puddles dry up to see if it’s in the mud before I call it missing. If it is there, it’s going to be a lot uglier.


   Found a geocache today on W. Harmon Rd.  The interesting thing about this cache location was the

huge honeycomb that bees had made on a tall structure near the road. Some of it had fallen off but it had to have been 4 feet long in its prime. There is still probably an 8” x 10” defunct section of the honeycomb attached to a column of brick but based on the bees I saw flying in and out of the cement block just below it, there’s still an active comb somewhere down in the blocks. Wasn’t about to get close enough to verify that, however.  Oh, and we did find the cache…thankfully it was away from the bees.


   Saw our first roadrunner yesterday when we were out geocaching and saw a couple more down on Picacho Hwy today.  Impossible to get a picture of them from the truck because they’re in running mode as soon as they hear the diesel engine approaching. That’s why I take my camera with me on walks down the road because I usually make less noise than a diesel truck does.


40 Days of Lent challenge: Part 2…Let go of the unrealistic expectation and connect with the person involved.  Done and done!!

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