Sunday, March 5…The Small Town Festival Song (Roylee McPeely)

   Went to bed with ‘Shake It Off’ playing over and over in my head and woke up in the same condition.  Please make it stop!!


   Did some off-roading on my walk today. There is a network of canals and dirt roads around the perimeter of most of the pecan orchards in the area; I’ve never explored them because there are usually work crews out and about but today seemed like a good day to wander.  I decided to follow a dirt road around the canal which would take me between the established and young orchards, thinking that when I turned right it would eventually come out to the frontage road. And I suppose in time I could have made it, but I came to a point where two route options were blocked by barbed wire fences and the dirt road option would take me further west, away from the camp.  Additionally, if I had wanted to brave climbing through a fence, there was also the matter of a large ditch and a big field between me and the frontage road. Not as direct a connection as I had imagined. So, I headed back the way I came.  Maybe another time I’ll find the path to the frontage road.

   As I walked along the dirt road between the orchards, two separate flashes of red in the air caught my attention.  Movement and the red color against the drab grey of the pecan trees was hard to ignore. A pair of male vermillion flycatchers! I’ve only ever seen them up in the Oracle vicinity; it was exciting to see them here, basically in our backyard.  

   I left that pair behind as I continued my walk and soon saw another pair that seemed to be keeping

pace with me.  The male perched on top of a bush, flew up and came back down to the same twig…over and over. The female hung around the fence but exhibited the same basic behavior. Thought that was very kind of them because I was able to take pictures; they weren’t in constant motion like the first pair.  I figured they were protecting a nest, creating a diversion much like the sandpiper does.  However, online research indicated that what I thought was a female was instead an immature male.  So maybe it was flying lesson day and dad was nervously keeping an eye on his youngster because a human had invaded their space.

   Then on my way back, I disrupted a sizeable covey of quail who were far too spooked to stick around for a photo op.  All-in-all, it was a good walk for bird watching.


   Kim was up late imaging last night; I was up much earlier than him this morning.  I walked while he continued sleeping then I hung out in the camper when he walked a bit later. Anyway, this was his 2nd attempt at this target…the night before there was a thumb drive issue.  Good news and bad news about the imaging last night.   Good news: All the data showed up on the thumb drive correctly…no lost data this time around. Bad news: He discovered that he used the wrong telescope for the target he had chosen.  He doesn’t seem frustrated by his mistake and is viewing it as a learning experience. Tonight is too cloudy to image.


The brick of fries
   Took a bike ride to Coolidge this afternoon.  Even though we did the Cotton Days 5K Walk/Run yesterday, we didn’t go to the Cotton Days parade, car show, or fair.  Since it was billed as being held March 3rd – 5th, we decided to see if it was still going today so we might get a late lunch of festival food.  We were in luck; this small-town festival was looking to capitalize on the entire weekend. The park was still filled with rides, food and craft vendors and lots of people.  The downside of getting our fair food fix on Sunday afternoon is that my favorite food vendor was closed due to running out of food. My next choice was open but didn’t have the item I wanted.  But we managed to find something to eat and both of us walked away satisfied.  We left there at about 4:30; the crowd was starting to thin out but the rides were still going.

   Then we took a big circle route back to camp. The ride was a mixture of being kind of warm and sort of cool; the sky was partly cloudy and if the sun was under a cloud my two layers felt good; otherwise, I was a little overdressed. Although it was a good day to ride, the warmer temperatures are just starting to appear.  Hope to see it more consistently in the 70s this coming week.


   Signed up for the 5K walk of the Shamrock Run on March 18, held in Marana; runners can do a Half-Marathon, a 10K or a 5K which is also available for walkers.  Last year we finished it in less than 53 minutes; Kim wants to beat that time this year. Going to have to improve my speed walking technique if we’re going to try for under 52 minutes. So, I guess we’re officially in training.


40 Days of Lent opportunity: Listen to the sermon on Letting Go of Bitterness and Complaining.  Because the service is presented live on Facebook during the 8:30 a.m. service, I can watch/listen to it from the church’s FB page any time if I happen to miss it when it’s happening live. Today that meant I would have had to be up before 6:30 a.m.; since that didn’t happen, I watched it this evening after returning from our ride.


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