Sunday, March 28...Library Song (Tom Chapin)

 9:30 a.m....We have  time before church to walk down to check the bones...if they’re gone, bring the card back to camp to check it...if they’re still there, leave it there. 

10:15 a.m.... We left it there because nothing had been taken.  Kim thinks the vultures will be in there sometime during the day.  They might not be able to fly into the area because of the foliage but they can certainly fly to the edge of the ditch/game trail and walk in.


   On our way back an older man on a motorcycle stopped to tell us that two javelinas crossed the road in front of him earlier in his ride just up the road...then he pointed in the direction of the game trail.  He pointed to my camera and said he thought that we might like to know they’re around...keep an eye out for them.  Two javelinas...Yes!!  That confirms that they are in the area.  Not sure what we can put out that will entice a javelina to purposefully wander in front of our camera but I’m sure Google can tell me. 

   Found this information on several websites: Javelinas like to eat things that they can forage for in the desert. They are mainly herbivores, meaning that they prefer to eat vegetation, although they have been known to eat lizards and dead rodents. Their preferred diet includes things like roots, nuts, beans, berries, grass, and cacti, especially agave.  

   Trivia:group of peccaries (javelinas) that travel and live together is called a "squadron".


   Just as predicted today was a warm one...75o by 10 a.m.  After lunch it was ride time.  But first we had to troubleshoot an issue with Kim’s communicator.  Yesterday it wouldn’t connect with mine and when that happens it’s very easy to think it’s operator didn’t get turned on or the volume is too low.  Repeatedly hearing Intercom failed, please try again and thinking it’s the other person’s fault can cause the frustration to mount.  However we eventually figured out that mine was connecting with his. That is was not an operator issue but an equipment issue.

  Long story short: Doing a factory reset did the trick.  Now both communicators are connecting and it’s time to ride.


   Came to a decision as to where to ride but by the time we solved the communicator issue and made a couple of stops in Coolidge we realized the sun would be an issue on our way home.  So we changed our route on the fly to make it easier on the eyes.  How about we just enlarge the Tom Mix loop?  Turn left up here...then turn right to take us past the hill with the pyramid up top...then go into Florence which will lead to the Tom Mix Highway.  Good thing the radios were working.

   Stopped at Tom Mix for a bit; it’s about halfway in the loop and a good spot to stretch our legs.  Usually the wildlife entertains us when we’re we watched a tiny lizard doing lizard things and ground squirrels play hide-n-seek.  Then it was back on the bikes to ride.  Saw two crows on the saguaro nest so there’s that to check out before we leave but we have 7 or 8 days yet.  Then we cruised into Eloy to get some steaks to grill tonight.  It was a good ride.


   I’ve been keeping tabs on several big prickly pear cacti up by the tent area.  Buds are all over the edge of the paddles plus new paddles have popped.  I’ve been taking pictures of the buds and paddles to track their growth.  The paddles grow very quickly and I’ve been hoping that the flowers bloom before we leave. 

   Walked over tonight and yeehaw! A flower has popped open and another one is on the verge.  As I’m taking pictures a gentleman from a nearby campsite walks over to talk about the cacti.  Says the flowers should be coming out soon, etc.  I pointed out the one that had already opened and we started talking.  Through the course of our conversation he asked how long we’ve been coming out here.  Six years.  He allowed as how that was enough time for me to learn a thing or two about the cacti.  Then I mentioned that when something piques my curiosity I will research it on Google and while I’m no expert I have learned a thing or two about prickly pear, barrel cactus and the saguaro.  He immediately said that’s not the right way to go about research; that anybody can put anything on Google and to properly research you needed to Go to the library, spend some time looking at books or visit a desert museum...that’s the way to do research, not on your phone.  I agreed that a library is a great place to do research but since there’s no library readily available around here I would continue to use Google but I would use it wisely.

   And I don’t think that was iced tea in his glass either.  Just sayin’....


   Trail Cam Update at 6 p.m....I walked to the bait area to put a banana out trying to attract the javelinas.  Of course feeding them is discouraged because they can become a nuisance but the game trail isn't by any houses.  And from what I read it’s doubtful that an adult javelina will eat bananas anyway but I thought I’d try to draw them in with the smell. They’re under no obligation to eat them. 

    When I was about 30 yards away I saw a crow fly up out of the trail cam area.  It sat on a telephone pole picking at something.  It flew off when I stopped to take a picture and sure enough it had a bone in its mouth.  Ding Dang!  Those darn birds!  However, when I went down into the trail all the other bones were still there.  It appears that raven was the only one to find our stash of bones.  After watching yesterday’s video I know that if the vultures had found it they’d be all gone.  I don’t know if the birds are active at night so maybe there’s a chance we’ll have 4-legged visitors tonight.


   It’s 7:45 p.m....there’s an almost full moon on the rise, the air is still warm (74o) with no breeze and I’m sitting outside near a campfire thinking about the day.  I’m kinda diggin’ this.

 Headed inside about 9 p.m. when my legs started feeling cool and the bugs started liking my computer screen. 


Bike miles today:  108

Total miles:  1614

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