Saturday, March 13...Dark Skies (Allison Krauss and Union Station)

 My Fitbit has been doing everything a Fitbit is designed to do except that I can’t see it doing it.  It’s not my eyes, just had ‘em checked and they’re fine; for some reason the numbers on my Fitbit are getting dim. I checked every setting possible and nothing makes it brighter.  I compared it to Kim’s and was amazed at the difference.  I have to go into a dark room to adequately see my progress or else check the app on my phone.  It’s been an issue for some time and I’ve talked about getting a new one but to quote the Dr. Seuss book The First of Octember I was waiting for ‘the First of Octember when the money comes down’. 😏

  Yesterday morning sitting here at the table Kim said “I just ordered you a new Fitbit. It should be here Tuesday. Happy Birthday.”  Well, thank you!  I have to say that I’m looking forward to being able to flick my wrist and see my step count again.


   It was gently raining last night as we went to bed. It must have rained longer or harder because there were decent sized puddles on the road this morning. Earlier in the week I noticed yellow and purple wildflowers alongside the road and today I noticed a green hue out in the desert areas.  There’s been sort of a cool down here for the last couple of days but the forecast shows temperatures on the rise into next week.  Maybe more color will start showing as a result of the recent rain and the warming temperatures.   


   I woke Kim up a little after 10 a.m. and when I went for my walk at 11, he was trying to nod off while sitting at the table.  At one point he said, “Honestly, I’m not trying to be lazy but it’s just too much effort to move.”   He described it several different ways: being too weary to even lift his arms...that the tiredness was pressing down on him...that it was the ultimate fatigue.  This evening he felt like he was over the hump, that it was improving.  So far, his only complaints about the after effects of the 1st vaccine have been the chills and being bone tired for a day or so.  Wonder what the 2nd shot will have in store for him.


   This morning started out okay; I walked with shorts and a light jacket.  But by early afternoon the clouds were rolling in and the temperature dropped.  So we decided to drive to Oracle to get lunch from DeMarco’s Pizzeria....home of the #1 BLT on my list. 

   It looked like rain was falling in the distance in every direction.  Drove thru some sprinkles now and again but the biggest issue was the falling temperature.  It was 59o and somewhat sunny when we left camp so I didn’t change my clothes...I was comfortable wearing shorts, sandals and my fleece.  However, I soon realized that my attire was all wrong for where we were heading.  I’ve been to Oracle many times and know that it’s at the base of a mountain, that it’s an uphill drive on 77 to get there, that the elevation changes and therefore can be cooler but I didn’t even consider any of that when we left.  I did grab my fleece vest at the last minute, however. 

   Arrived in Oracle to 39o and snow on the ground.  I was grossly underdressed for that kind of weather.  Thank goodness the truck has heated seats. DeMarco’s is take-out only at this point so we sat in the truck in the parking lot and ate our sandwiches, floor heater warming my feet and the seat heater warming my backside.

   The snow looked fresh like Mother Nature had dropped it overnight; in fact a lot of it had melted already, leaving mud behind. Sitting in the parking lot I checked the elevation: Oracle at 4327 feet vs. Picacho at 1615 feet.  No wonder the rain in Picacho had evolved into snow in Oracle.  Then as we started back toward camp we couldn’t help but watch the temperature rising as the elevation fell, rejoicing when it hit 50o again.  Maybe still a bit chilly for shorts and sandals if I was outside but I was inside a truck cab with my vest tucked around my legs...all was good and warm.

   While it was still cloudy with the occasional raindrop back in Picacho, the temperature read 60o and the air felt smooth.  Just right for shorts and sandals.


   Oracle is located in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains.  Occasionally today the clouds over the mountains would break and the sun would light up the snow covered peaks. It was really a stunning visual. As we drove along Park Link Road the dark sky provided a great backdrop with saguaro cacti and other desert plants in the foreground.  I took pictures but don’t know that they accurately portray what my eyes were seeing.  A good memory prompter though.


  In general it was a good afternoon to take a nap so that’s what I did after we got back to camp; Kim played World of Warcraft.


 Willie and Ann stopped back in Picacho for a couple of days. And before dark we had more company...Vickie and Dan arrived followed by John and Michele. They’re travelling together but separately.  Hopefully the weather takes that predicted turn for the better tomorrow so that we can be out and about. 


   No bike ride today and no imaging tonight. 


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