I woke up this morning when it
was still dark; I refused to get up.
Fell back asleep and had weird little dream snippets concerning tires on
my car, tires on the truck, and joining in on a conversation about overnight
shelters with strangers; but in the mix was big fluffy brown dog who kept
popping in at odd times to tell me that Jesus loves me. The tires and the shelter have meaning in my
current reality, but the big brown dog?
No clue as to why my brain threw that one at me. I mean, sure its message is relevant, but
coming from a dog?
Walked to Nutt Rd. about noonish.
Generally, noon is not the best time to be out walking, but it was cool
enough with a slight touch of breeze that it was very doable. In fact, I wore a
sweatshirt, I kept a moderate pace and it’s the least sweaty walk I’ve had so far. From our camper to Nutt Rd. is a little over 3
miles, about the distance of a 5K. We didn’t break any speed records, that’s
for sure, but we’re out walking and that’s the goal. Still deciding about the Shamrock race this Sunday.
Sitting at the table with the ramp down and a roadrunner with his top knot slicked down comes
sneaking right along the bushes. I wasn’t fast enough with the camera to get a picture of it then but figured it might be still in our yard. Quietly went to the door, camera in hand…yes, it was taking its time just wandering through. It headed toward the side bushes right in front of where the bikes are parked. I had to be satisfied with taking pictures through the screen but that’s okay because I’ve never seen one that up close and personal. Call me a happy camper!
Not long after that, it came back into the yard, walking along the front
of the camper to the back. This time, Kim
could see it from his side of the table. I went to the front door in time to
see it walk a few steps then fly up into the tree onto a main limb. I thought
maybe it was going for one of the lizards that hang out on the tree, but it
kept hopping up and then went out on some branches. After hanging there for a minute,
it flew down to the other side of the fence.
Maybe it needs to take lessons from Peter Cottontail as to how to get
under the fence. I couldn’t get any pictures of his second appearance because
by the time I got my camera to focus beyond the screen, it was among the
branches. But it sure was fun to watch.
Not half an hour later I was sitting outside enjoying the sun, without
my camera (that won’t happen again), when I looked to the right and there was a
roadrunner again. Same maneuver as
before…jumped into the tree, climbed up and after a moment, flew down to the
other side of the fence. I could dig it if our site became known in the
roadrunner world as a way to get out of the campground and they started
wandering through here.
Fun Facts:
are members of the cuckoo family.
*There are two species of roadrunners: the greater
roadrunner and the lesser roadrunner.
*Roadrunners leave
footprints shaped like an 'X'. This makes it difficult to decipher in which
direction they are traveling.
*They can run up to 20 mph
and tend not to fly.
*Nicknamed "snake
killer", this bird will sometimes eat rattlesnakes. They catch the
snakes by the tail, crack them like a whip, and hit their heads against the
ground until they die. Brutal!
*Roadrunners don't need to
drink water because they get enough moisture from their diet. This is because they are well adapted to their desert
coo…they don’t really say ‘beep, beep’. 😎
Took a ride this afternoon out on the Tohono O’odham Reservation. We’re going to ride to the trading post,
which is about 130 miles round trip, to get some nachos. We’d left the camp kind of late for riding
that many miles and getting back before dark. So, we turned around at the
border patrol checkpoint. Still got a good ride in but without nachos. The next time we plan to do that we’ll have to
monitor our time a little better.
Made a trip to Coolidge after supper. Needed to pick up some pictures at
Walgreens, get a few groceries at Safeway, and check at Walmart for a couple more
bird feeders with bee guards. At this point, we have several feeders with us
but only two have bee guards. And this
year, that’s an important feature to have.
Well, glory be, the sky is clear tonight! The target is the Spider
Nebula or maybe the Spider and the Fly Nebula.
Kim set the camera take 80 5-minute exposures and he’s not sure if that’s
long enough to get a good image of this one.
Criminy, that’s over 6 hours of exposure time. I will be asleep long before he is.
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