Monday, March 3…Puzzle Pieces (Justin Young & Colbie Caillat)

    Woke up to the cool down that has been forecasted. Sunny but cooler…in the low 50’s which is probably typical for this time of year, but morning temperatures have been riding in the mid-60’s since we got out here. The temperature was expected to top out at in the lows 60’s today but my phone indicated that it stayed in the high 50’s.  Still good weather, just not at all what the last week has been like.   


   Kim went to Casa Grande to get the rear-view mirror reattached; I stayed behind. I wanted to do the laundry and finish a gnome. I took the laundry up to get started, came back to work on a gnome and started watching Wicked. Set an alarm so I could go up to transfer the wash on time and again for when the dryer was done. It kind of broke up the continuity of the movie, but thankfully, I’ve watched Wicked enough times to know the storyline.  I was also able to just listen until the good watching parts came up.  But let’s face it…every time Elphaba and Glinda are on screen together is a good watching part.  So maybe there was less working on the gnome and more watching the movie.


  Too breezy to work on the gnome outside but by dropping the ramp, I had the best of both worlds. Sitting in the camper,  I could see and feel the warm sunshine but was protected from the wind.


   Miscalculated when it was time to go up to get the wash, so I had 15 minutes to waste when I got up there. I looked around the clubhouse for something to read, found nothing but there was a puzzle in progress at a corner table. Figured that’d be a good way to pass the 15 minutes.

   What I learned is that it’s very hard to come cold into a half-completed 500 piece puzzle.  I struggled for a few minutes then started getting my puzzle groove on. Figured out that someone had put an edge piece in the wrong place and when that was rectified, other pieces were easier to place.  So, my contribution to the puzzle in the corner was correcting the edging and adding maybe 10 pieces.  I felt accomplished.


   I finished the lady gnome and sent (almost) 6-year-old Charlie a picture and told her it was her name a gnome.  I received a reply from Callie saying that Charlie’s been anxiously awaiting her to turn to name one, which is exactly what I figured. Last year she was first up to name an animal; this year, she’s had to wait while her three siblings each had a turn before her. This gnome is sporting braids which is probably why Charlie came up with the name Bo Braid...maybe Bo, for short. She joined the rest of the crew up on the shelf.  


   Today I saw only one confused bee flying around the back feeder.  I do wonder, though, if the coolness of the day had something to do with their absence in general. Doesn’t matter...I’m crossing my fingers that the bee problem has been solved by getting new feeders. The hummers shouldn’t have run the bee gauntlet to get to the feeders and I didn’t enjoy having them buzz around my head.  Again, they were polite and didn’t sting, so that’s a mark in their favor.


   Kim had a zoom meeting today, so I had to make myself scarce for a couple of hours. What to do, what to do…that was a big decision. So many options.  I drove the truck over to Toltec Rd. to look for

burrowing owls.  As on the road to Coolidge, so many of the fields on Toltec that were covered with scrub brush are now plowed.  And due to the wind, it was dusty over that way.  Didn’t find any owls so I backed into an unused farm road at the edge of Toltec, had a view of Picacho Peak with a band of dust below it. I did some reading and closed my eyes for a bit but with the amount of truck traffic on Toltec, I didn’t exactly get a nap. But it was nice to relax in the warm truck cab. At one point, a gentleman in a pickup stopped; he explained that he’d been by a couple of times, saw the truck and wanted to make sure to see if I was okay.  It also turns out I was parked on farm property he manages, but he said that wasn’t a concern. I explained that yes, I was fine…I just needed to be away from our camper for a bit while my husband had a zoom meeting.  Stayed put a bit longer than headed back.    


   Took a walk when I returned from my truck retreat. Supper was ready when I returned from my walk.  Ham and another try at mashed potatoes from potato chips.  And this time, they were the correct consistency for mashed potatoes.  No soup for us!!


   The TV we bought for the camper last year is a tight fit in the cubby hole allotted for it; the other night Kim struggled for over an hour to get it down and finally gave up. Tonight, he did a search and realized what he had been doing wrong. Walked over to the TV and had it out in a matter of minutes. He hooked up the Switch and voila! we had another entertainment option. Just as I was about to call ‘UNO’, my controller died.  Aghh! Not sure how long it takes to charge but I hope the game picks up where we left it. It’s so gratifying to beat the AI guys.


   No imaging again tonight. Too cloudy. 

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