Homeward Bound....

Friday, September 25
   9:30 a.m. Despite our desire to get home, it’s been a slow start to the morning.  And soon we’ll be back on ‘fast time’…Eastern Standard Time.  So we’ll lose an hour….if we’re aiming to make it home today, we’d better get a move on. 
   Day started a bit cloudy or maybe foggy, so  I put on my jacket and gloves before we left the hotel.  But by the time we hit the Michigan border, the sun had made an appearance, so I downgraded to my fleece.  Not long after that, as we rode along the lakeshore on US 2, we encountered the fog again and lost the sunshine...and I regretted my fleece decision.  But, blue skies prevailed and while there was a cool edge to the ride along the lake, it wasn’t cold. In fact, when just standing around, it was hot…just not so much when on the road.  I dragged my jacket out of the saddlebag a couple of times during the entire ride…wore a long sleeve shirt or my fleece part of every day for the last week or so.  Kim told me tonight that he didn’t wear his jacket at all during this ride, only sleeveless or short sleeve shirts for him the entire 3 weeks…but he took a long hot shower to warm up when we got home tonight.  J 
    A haircut…I need a haircut!!  Only had my bangs trimmed last appointment…decided to let the rest go while I was on the road.  But it sure seems like it’s growing faster on the right side of my head…driving me crazy!  I wondered if that’s possible, so I went to Google.  Here’s what hairfinder.com tells me:  Not only do different people have different rates of growth for their hair, but an individual person’s hair can grow at different rates at various places on his/her head. The hair follicles actually act independently of one another. Otherwise, when the hair starts to shed, a person would suddenly lose all his hair at once, or a person might suddenly discover that all the hairs on his or her head are going gray at the same time.   So, it’s not my imagination!  Have an appointment with Colleen next Wednesday…just have to keep the scissors out of my hands until then.  I’ve been known to trim….
    While we were still in Wisconsin this morning, we were coming up to a logging company…and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a pile of logs with snow on it.  Not yet, not ready for snow!!  Was I relieved when I realized it was a pile of white birch logs….Whew!  J   **Footnote: No snow yet, but leaves are changing already in the U.P.**
    When we were just moseying along from place to place, following whatever route caught our attention, it didn’t matter so much what day it was.  But now that I’m back home to my regular life, it’ll be more important because of appointments with customers, deadlines for alterations, church meetings, etc.   It’s Friday, the start of the weekend but my brain is telling me it’s Sunday because we just got home.  This is gonna mess with my head…
    While we haven’t been pushing ourselves as far as miles per day, we have been riding every day, usually in heat, humidity and wind.  How incredibly fortunate that we didn’t have to break out the rain gear this whole trip!  Only had one day off riding…that fake rain day back in Poplar Bluff.   The forecast let us down that day, that’s for sure….
    Kim and I have both been getting calls for work already.  While we were gone, I had calls forwarded from the home phone to my cell, so I’ve been getting calls for alterations all along.  Kim has had calls for additional lawn mowing, so we need to get prepare ourselves as we’ll both hit the ground running on Monday…or possibly even tomorrow. 
    Stopped at a rest area just outside of Naubinway…..sat around for a bit, just talking.  Then Kim noticed that a couple seemed to be having problems getting their bike started.  We sure could relate to that scenario.  He wandered over, then came back for his portable battery charger….but charging the battery didn’t seem to be the issue.   By this time, I had wandered over…they were from near Green Bay, making it a long weekend by riding around Lake Michigan.   Doug (the driver) called AAA to send a tow truck, but that was a slow process.   When the phone call was over, Kim suggested pushing it to try to pop the clutch…maybe it would start that way.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  Voila! It worked, but don’t dare turn the bike off.  We followed them to Mackinac City, where we suggested they ride to Petoskey…not only was it a bigger town with a bike garage (Maxwell Brothers) but there were hotels on hills, in case a clutch start was needed again.  J So they followed us and we waved good bye at the intersection of 31 and 131.  I hope they get their issue resolved.
    Kim has ideas about improving our camping trailer….he’s thinking about replacing the two truck boxes with a single aluminum box.  But that will be a winter project.  There are more pressing items at hand, like getting prepared for bow season which starts next week already. 
    I hate to do it, but I’m going to have to replace my boots this winter.  During the Alaska trip, the heels fell off but I had those replaced in Montana.  Now the bottoms are getting slick…and the inside is breaking down, too.  Sounds silly, but my boots are my friends…and replacing a friend is never easy.  But I replaced Moxie after I lost her on the Alaska trip…I’ll have the whole winter to find just the right boots.  Pulling on the boots completes the transformation from Betsy Ross to Easy Rider. J 
 Observations from the road:
*I wouldn’t recommend sneezing while riding a bike.
*A solid yellow line is not a deterrent to someone who is determined to pass.    
   It was good to get away and good to get home.  At the end of a trip like this, riding those last couple hundred miles, I get to thinking about where we’ve been…what we’ve done…who we’ve met…things we’ve seen.  It’s so easy to misplace the days, places, and even forget some of it, as we experience it in the moment and then move on to the next stop in our ride.  It all gets to running together in my head…and that’s the reason for a journal.  A way to look back and remember accurately. J 
Arrived home about 7:30 p.m.  This great adventure has come to an end...but I look forward to the next one, whatever that may be. J
Today’s miles:  282 miles     Total stats:  Rode 4,453 miles through 12 states over the course of 22 days.

Back home but ready to ride again!

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