Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid....

Tuesday, September 8
    Forgot to mention that I did not ride Pegasus down Marshal’s driveway yesterday….Zac was willing to help me out with that.  Marshal pulled the camping trailer down behind the Prowler so Kim didn’t have the weight of it pushing him down the hill.  Got to the bottom, got the trailer hooked back on Kim’s bike and away we went!!
    So, yeah, the cabin was a step up from tenting it, but don’t know that I’d make a habit of cabin camping.   The real bonus was having a bathroom a few steps away from where we were sleeping; however, I fell asleep and didn’t wake up til 7 a.m. (CST).   Had a good laugh this morning when I realized the bathroom code needed last night to get into the shower room was written on the swim bracelet that got us into the pool…had the code with us the whole time.  J  There was a heavy dew and it was nicely cool this morning at 7, but once the sun cleared the trees, the ground dried off and the air got heavy and wet!  Simply packing the bikes was enough to work up a sweat….nice that we didn’t have to pack up a tent, etc.  J  Left about 10:30 a.m…..heading for Poplar Bluff, MO.  No KOA there but other campgrounds are available. 
    Last night, Kim said he’d like to get off highways as much as possible today and just ride the 2 lane 55 mph type roads.  So, this morning we get on the computer, pick a destination, look at the possible routes, etc.   Since Phil uses Google maps also, we figured it be easy to get him to plot the same route.  Wrong!!  And he wanted to plot the whole route at once…interim destinations were not his thing. So, we picked cities along the route to Poplar Bluff, MO,  and figured we’d plug them in as we went…..when we arrived in Murray, we’d plug in Fulton, and when we arrived in Fulton, we’d plug in New Madrid, etc.  Sort of hopscotch our way along the road less traveled.  Even told Phil to avoid highways as an extra precaution.  Well, he let us down.  Approaching a divided highway intersection, a sign indicated that Murray is 12 miles away, but we have to turn left to get there.  As we’re waiting for the light to change, Kim says that Phil wants us to go straight, despite what the sign said.  No big deal, I say…just follow Phil’s direction, maybe this is just part of him avoiding highways.  **But before we can go anywhere, the light has to change to green….and after 5 minutes, it showed no inclination of doing any such thing, no matter how much we moved to try to trigger the sensor.  So, as traffic cleared from both directions, Kim yells “Let’s go!” and we shoot through the red light.  A car had pulled up behind us just as we decided to pull our version of Butch and Sundance jumping off the cliff….sure hope they didn’t get a good look at our plates.**  Anyway, Phil took us on a very scenic route…to Mayfield, which is farther north than Murray and not at all the direction we’re headed.  What’s up with that?!  Had lunch at a little diner, reprogrammed Phil to take us to Fulton….where we decided that stopping every 30 miles to plug in a new destination was madness.  Told Phil to take us to Poplar Bluff, MO….he gave us several options, we picked the one that made the most sense and went with it.  Dipped down into Tennessee from Kentucky on our way to Missouri.  Not how we had it planned this morning but who cares, we made it!  J
    Stopped in Kennett, MO, at about 4:30 p.m…..where, according to my phone, the temp was actually 94o but felt like 101o.  Explains why I felt so wore out.   Kennett was the first Missouri city/town we came to after crossing the Mississippi River and therefore, it was the first opportunity to stop; bikes needed gas and I needed to just get off the bike and rest.  While I would have preferred stretching out in the grass under a tree, I was willing to accept leaning against a mini-mart while sitting on a sidewalk.  What a difference those 15 minutes made…and probably all the water I drank helped, too.
    Maybe 20-30 miles out of Poplar Bluff, the sun went behind some clouds, a wind came up and the temp dropped a few degrees….made for some nice riding conditions.  However, there were also some grayish clouds in the distance. L  By the time we arrived at Poplar Bluff, the clouds were darker and when I checked the weather, it showed an 80% chance of rain for tonight.  Decided to get a motel….and on our way, I saw a few streaks of lightning, so I didn’t mind spending the money for a room and getting an actual roof over our heads.  Kim rode to a nearby grocery store and reported that it rained ever so slightly, but don’t know that it’s rained any more than that.
    We didn’t get a Tennessee state sign because it came up quickly and we were in the wrong lane.  There was construction on the bridge over the Mississippi River but as soon as we were off it, we parked the bikes and walked the short distance to the Missouri state sign.  Talked to a couple of construction workers, who mentioned that it’s supposed to cool down over the next 3 or 4 days…supposed to only be in the 80’s and at this point, that sounds like a good deal. 
    Passed through a town called Qulin, MO.  I mulled over the pronunciation for a few miles and when I had the opportunity, I googled it….it’s pronounced ‘KEW-lin’. 

The region of Missouri that we’ve been riding through is agricultural.  Crops I could identify were soybeans, corn and cotton.  Acres and acres of a ‘mystery crop’, too….Kim thought it was sorghum and that has been confirmed by Google Images.  J Also saw it growing in Kentucky.  At first, I thought it was a weed but then realized it was in rows...weeds wouldn't be so organized.  

   When on the road, we tend to eat in local restaurants/diners/cafes.  The first thing I look for on the menu is a BLT….and that’s usually what I order.  Today’s BLT was fairly standard, yet good….and, bonus! I had fried okra and corn nuggets along with it.  Yum!   Kim gravitates toward the daily special, if there is one…and today he had liver and onions, with collard greens, fried squash and corn nuggets.  J

Observations from the road:
*Michigan license plates, our stickered up trailer, bikes, monkeys….any and all are reasons for people to stop and chat.       
*It is impossible to describe how good a shower feels at the end of a long hot day of riding.
*Roadkill smells the same everywhere.

Today’s mileage:  218 miles               Total mileage: 1045

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