Monday, March 21…Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (Curve)

   I hit a wall last night.  Two hours walking in the desert topped by almost 100 windy miles on the bike made me tired.  So tired I was trying to fall asleep with my hands on the keyboard.  Popped my eyes open at one point to find that I’d typed about six  lines of the letter s. 


   Woke in the middle of the night to a strange sound.  At first I thought Kim’s sleep machine had gone wonky but soon realized it was rain…not a little sprinkle either.  It was a serious rain.  And as I lay there listening, waiting for sleep to reclaim me, I heard another distant noise…it could have been a truck out on the highway but I’m voting for thunder.  


   I’m not as quick as Kim is to wash the bikes; a shiny bike isn’t a prerequisite for me to take a ride.  I mentioned the other day that I needed to wash Zeus and Kim had the gall to ask, “Oh, you can see that, can you?”  Ha!Ha! Very funny! 

   Yesterday I went into Eloy to wash the bike before riding the Tom Mix Loop.  Got back to camp and it was still looking clean and shiny.   

   Well, I’m sure all of the desert flora and fauna were grateful for the rain last night but I was a more than a little dismayed at how nasty Zeus looked this morning…I just washed him!  The car wash will be the first stop next time I take a ride.


   How many hours would it take for one of the water pumps down the road to fill an Olympic size pool?  This is the question we answered on our walk today because Kim had a need to know.  So he did the came up with the equations while I used the calculator.

   Thanks to Google we knew that the capacity of an Olympic swimming pool is 660,000 gallons.  Then by stopping at a pump he verified that it was pumping 1,350 gallons per minute.  So he told me to

divide 660,000 by 1350 to find how many minutes it would take...488.88 minutes.  Then he divided how many total minutes by 60 to break it into hours…8.14 hours.  Final answer: it would take that particular water pump just over 8 hours to fill an Olympic swimming pool.  Then he took it one step further: not only could the pump fill almost 3 swimming pools (2.95 pools to be exact) in 24 hours but the amount of water pumped would be roughly 1,950,000 gallons.

  Okay, so when we were doing all this while walking I wasn’t working through the story problem I was just pushing buttons on the calculator; it made sense to me at that time. But when I got back to camp and wrote it down I was struggling with his process.  So I went about it a different way: multiply 1350 gallons/minute by 60 to get how many gallons an hour…81,000.  Then divide 660,000 by 81,000 to figure out how long it would take to fill the pool… 8.14 hours.  Same answer but a different approach.  

   It occurs to me that our different ways of solving this math problem yet arriving at the same answer is akin to a lot of Kim n Karen discussions.  We generally come at an issue differently so it takes a little longer for us to realize that we might actually be talking about the same thing.  We are the poster children for “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”. 😎


   On our way back to camp this morning we saw the Crested Caracara sitting on the saguaro cactusagain.  It was standing on an outer cactus arm.  Last night it was in the same position for maybe 5 minutes and as soon as I stopped taking pictures it flew off.  Little bugger! So today I told Kim that I was staying until it flew.  Sure enough, a minute later it took off and I got my picture.


   I had mentioned to Kim that I wanted to take the truck down by the hawk nest, set the camera on the hood using the little tripod and sit in the truck using my phone as a remote for the camera to hopefully get pictures of the hawks on the nest.  He thought that a sturdier tripod was a better way to go so today it was on the list when we went to Coolidge.

   The hawk flew off the nest when I stopped the truck so I put the tripod a short distance out in the desert/field, set up the wi-fi access point and then sit in the truck watching for their return, my finger poised to hit the shutter on my phone.  I saw one of them circling a time or two but it stayed a distance away from the nest.  I took pictures of the empty nest just playing around while I waited, waited, waited.  Finally after more than a half hour one landed on the nearby telephone pole.  “Yippee!  That’s right…check out the danger situation first then just go to the nest.  Come on, go to the nest.”  I was watching out the window for the slightest hint that it was going to fly so I could hit the phone’s shutter button when I realized the wi-fi connection was gone.  “Oh, great, the camera battery died!”  At that point my set-up was useless so I quietly got out of the truck, walked to the camera, changed the battery and still got a picture of the hawk on the pole before it flew off.  Good thing I wasn’t a danger. 

   When I looked at the pictures on my computer to check the quality I was surprised to see that there was a hawk on the nest the whole time.  It was hunkered down so only the top of its head was visible.  And from inside the truck, because of distance and shadows, I thought that little bump was just part of the cactus. Mission accomplished even if I didn’t know it at the time.


   Today’s 40 Days of Lent challenge was to work out and pray. the same time?  When I think of working out it usually involves a gym and weights but that’s not happening here.  So we counted our daily 3 mile walk as a work out and I prayed before, during and after.  😊

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