Friday, March 11…Gentle On My Mind (Glen Campbell)

 Morning thoughts:

   Twelve years ago today Jeff died and there hasn’t been a day in between then and now that he hasn’t wandered through my thoughts.  That’s 4,383 days of remembering. 😊


   Today’s 40 Days of Lent challenge: Give up social media for the day.  The only social media I do is Facebook and I’m not on that very often these days, usually just to post pictures and do this blog thing.  So this shouldn’t be a problem; I’ll just post everything tomorrow.  Mom will probably send me a text first thing asking if I forgot to send her the blog again but I’ll just explain about needing to stay off FB for the day. No problem. 

   Sometime later I realized that FB doesn’t have anything to do with posting the blog…after it’s typed, I publish it to the blog platform and from there I share it to FB and also share it with my mom via text.  It’s all done through the blog program; there’s absolutely no need to go on Facebook.  So I won’t be breaking the challenge and I can still send the blog to my mom…unless I forget, that is. 😉  By the way….Hi, Mom!!  


Evening thoughts on the day:

   The hikes we’ve been doing have been enjoyable but the pace is always more leisurely than deliberate.  Hard to keep a steady pace when going up a rocky trail or walking through loose sand so today we decided to take a brisk walk down Picacho Highway instead of a hike.  Our goal was to walk to Nutt Rd. and back in under an hour.  Kim set the pace again and I came up with an 8 count rhythm in my head to match his pace …a metronome of sorts.

   Turns out that going there was the fast easy leg because the wind was behind us.  When we turned to head back we were facing what I would call a headwind…the kind that you have to lean into slightly as it pushes against you. Tried to maintain the same pace but I could tell that my metronome had slowed ever so slightly.  But I pushed onward striving to match Kim’s pace. 

   To make it official Kim set the OnX app to track our distance and time.  He stopped it at the 5K mark; we met our goal of under an hour at 52:50, which also beats our Cotton Days 5K time of 56:45.


   For about a week there’s been a big hauling type trailer in the park with the name Dirt Cheap Racing emblazoned across the front and back.  I didn’t think much of it but one day Kim saw a man getting ready to tinker on a car so he went over to talk to him.  The man’s name was Collin King and his whole set up was about Quarter Midget racing.  Collin makes sure the miniature cars are in good running condition so his 8 year old son can race them. The boy races under the name of Bishop Brothers.  There’s a race coming up in Tucson and they made the trip from Everett, Washington so Dad could tweak everything to make sure that Bishop and the cars were both running good on the track.

   Kim talked a bit and picked up the story: Collin owns a business, Dirt Cheap Sewer, in the Seattle area of Washington and while he’s the mechanic and Bishop is the driver, traveling for the races is a family thing because Mom and the 2 ½ year old Little Brother come along…the little brother will probably be racing as soon as he’s old enough.

   Collin gave Kim a tour of the racing trailer: cars, tools, engines, etc. lining the walls, along with computerized equipment for checking tire balance, etc.   When Kim mentioned the engines, Collin admitted that some of them were just there for the intimidation factor when other dads wanted to check out the trailer.  He also said the Bishop was a national champion of something at the age of 6.   

   When we dropped off the cookies last night, Mom said that they were heading out tomorrow (today) but leaving the racing trailer and motorhome here since they’d returning for the race in April. (Maybe the price of fuel is a factor in that.)  She also said that they came here for the week just so Bishop could try the track since he’s never run on it before and with a laugh added, “We’re pretty competitive.”  I asked if she homeschools Bishop…no, he attends a private school that is very good about sending her the work he needs to complete when absent from school.  Sounds like Bishop has a good gig going. 

   Today they brought over two smoked salmon filets before leaving. I took it into Kim and he immediately opened it and ate a bite, said it was very good and before I knew it the entire filet was gone.  I wonder how long the other filet will last. 


   I’d never heard of Quarter Midget Racing before so I went online to see what I could find. was a wealth of information.  Quarter Midget racing appears to be fun, time intensive and costly…and I think we have a grandson who would enjoy the thrill of this kind of racing. 

  The cars are essentially ¼-scale Midget race cars. Unlike Go-Karts, Quarter Midgets feature full four wheel independent suspension and full roll cages. Seat belts and shoulder harnesses are mandatory. Power comes from a 120-150cc engine, which specifications are closely set by the national governing board and enforced at each local club race by officials. The tracks are 1/20 mile banked ovals comprised of dirt, concrete, and asphalt surfaces.


  I rode the bike over to Oro Valley to pick up our race packets for the Tucson Shamrock Half-Marathon/10K/5K Run/Walk tomorrow.  We, of course, will be doing the 5K walk.  This race is chip timed unlike the Cotton Days race which depended on Rhonda reading the times from her cell phone and her assistant writing them down.  I’m not making fun of the Cotton Days race at all…I enjoyed everything about that small town experience.  The Shamrock is going to be much bigger and that seems a little intimidating right now.  I’m sure I’ll get past that.

   Rapunzel says the race location is 34 miles away, about a 31 minute drive if using I-10.   Race time for the 5K is 8 a.m. so we’ll be getting up early again, probably 6 or 6:15.  Not looking forward to that part at all…Ugh!


   While I was out riding today, Kim changed out his telescopes…put the bigger one on because he wants to image galaxies.  Even though it’s forecasted to be clear tonight the moon is getting fuller so imaging will be getting trickier because of the extra moonlight. 


Picture taken at dusk
   Not as windy today so the notifications from the cell cam have slowed down.  I think we’ll stop tomorrow on our way back from the 5K and change out cards again.  The cell cam is taking 15 second videos but only sends a picture to the app…in the situation that we’re using it right now that picture doesn’t tell us anything. To get the video I have to download it; however, downloading videos from the cell cam costs $5 for 50 downloads.  So if I download one (which I have) I might as well download 50 (which I am doing) because I’ve already paid for the privilege.  But I’d rather trade out the cards because I can look at all the videos instead of making a best guess for a download. 

   One of the videos from yesterday shows a smaller bird flying around the cactus harassing the owl.  She doesn’t look too bothered by it.


Bike miles today: 114

Total miles: 558

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