Friday, March 4…Against The Wind (Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band)

Went to sleep last night to the sound of rain on the roof but I don’t think it amounted to much.  Woke to the kind of wind that necessitates keeping the windows closed so there’s not a fine layer of dust over everything.  While gritty dust is a fact of life out here there’s no sense in encouraging it to come inside.


   A breeze helps a lot to cut the intensity of the sun when out for a walk; today’s wind was a little more than a breeze.  As I was sitting in the camper this morning feeling it gently rock with the wind, it brought to mind the scene in Winnie-the-Pooh and The Blustery Day when Owl said, My good fellow, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a Winds-day, just a gentle spring zephyr”, which is just the sort of thought to make me go chasing words online. And of course, this search had to do with wind.  Zephyr is defined as a breeze that is westerly or gentle, or both.  This was neither westerly nor gentle so perhaps I needed a different word.  Headwind, defined as an air movement that is blowing toward something (such as a ship or an airplane) as it moves forward, seemed a better description until I stepped outside. At that point, it was apparent that headwind wasn’t an apt description either.  This was a swirly, more than a gust, less than a sustained type of wind.  This was the kind of wind that dust devils thrive in.  

   And I also learned that the fundamental difference between sustained wind and a wind gust is duration. A sustained wind is defined as the average wind speed over two minutes. A sudden burst in wind speed is called the wind gusts and typically lasts under 20 seconds.  So the bushes I see through the kitchen window are probably thrashing around due to sustained wind and the occasional rocking of the camper is due to a wind gust.  Don’t really know if that’s comforting or not.   


   It was not a day to be outside because of the wind and since I wasn’t enthused about spending the day cooped up in the camper we did errands.  The truck was our refuge from the wind and the confines of the camper for a couple of hours.  When we got back we opened all the shades to let sunshine in and got comfortable waiting for the wind to die down.  To amuse myself I painted some rocks, did the laundry, talked to other campers and packaged up piggy cookies to send to all the WonderKids…well, all of them except Juniper.   The day didn’t go to waste just because the wind was feeling so spirited.


   Even though we had planned to wait a day or two to check the trail cams we drove down today as part of our time in the truck.  Most of the apple was gone so Kim grabbed the camera cards and popped it in the computer. It appears that a pack rat was our lone visitor last night/early this morning.  We were thinking javelina, skunk or coyote like last year; I know I never considered the possibility of a pack rat.  Ugh! Nuisance animals is what they are…well, that and prey for snakes, coyotes, owls and such.  I’d rather see a javelina or coyote.


   Today’s 40 Days of Lent challenge was to fast for one meal and use that time to pray which seemed easy on the face of it but overall proved to be harder than I thought.  The challenge wasn’t to delay a meal but to fast from that meal which to me meant no eating until the next meal time.  Not an easy task when the mandarin oranges, popcorn and piggy cookies are kept in the open on a shelf.

  Yesterday’s challenge was to give personal compliments to 3 people.  I didn’t complete that one because I didn’t interact with people in any situation long enough to give a sincere compliment for something…and giving an insincere compliment just to fulfill the challenge was wrong in my view.  But I was able to practice politeness, kindness and good cheer. 😎


 Went out to Hawk Nest Road (Toltec Rd) to check on the hawk nest on top of the electrical pole.  Nest looked abandoned but the monkey mask was still there along with more recent trash…it was the kind of trash that said, “We just broke up and I’m getting rid of her shit.”   As we were standing there wondering why people do this, Kim made an observation:  people want to be careful about including their mail when they dump shit because someone just might find out who’s responsible.  Because along with kids toys, women’s clothing, videotapes, a cassette tape and other random stuff, there were several pieces of mail, one with a man’s name and a couple with a woman’s name.  But from what we’ve seen they don’t have to worry about being held responsible because random dumping seems to be an accepted practice  around here.


   It’s not always possible to see the effect of the wind in the immediate vicinity except seeing the trees react and the occasional tumbleweed barreling across the road.  However, there was a low hanging sandy colored haze all along the horizon today…that’s how a person can tell if the wind is stirring things up.


   In the Eloy area, diesel fuel ranges from $3.92 to $4.85.  It pays to have the Gas Buddy app on your phone, that’s for sure.  

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