Friday, March 3....Communication Breakdown

Woke up around the time the birds started making their presence known…maybe about 7:30.  There are two constant noises here during the day…the birds and the traffic up on US 10.  Although we live in the country in Charlevoix and aren’t exposed to this kind of traffic noise, it’s amazing how quickly it simply becomes background noise.  The birds quiet down about sundown and the traffic quiets down a bit later….the sound doesn’t ever go away because this seems to be heavily traveled by semis but nighttime is quieter than daytime. 
Word is that back home the weather isn’t quite as nice as we’re experiencing here.  On Wednesday I called my mom who lives near Ludington to find out what her weather was and…well, I probably bragged a bit about the sunshine and temperatures we were encountering.  As our conversation came to a close, she wanted to know if I had my sunscreen and reminded me to wear it.  She’s 81 and I’m 57….I guess a mom doesn’t ever stop being a mom. J
This KOA has fresh eggs available.  I had forgotten that detail but it seems Kim remembered because I’m told it was the second question he asked when checking in…“ Got any eggs?”  The first question he asked was if we could be switched to #35 because they had us smack dab in the middle of the park. Lot #35 was where we were last year and it was an excellent outer edge location for setting up the scope. Since there was someone already camping on #35, we couldn’t have that but they did switch us to #32, which is in the same area on the outer edge.  Good enough!  The next day Nancy (the desk clerk) approached me to say that they had a couple dozen eggs available and I replied that I’d let Kim know, maybe he’d want some. She then told me that yes, he did want some, that he had asked about them upon check-in….and that she had put aside a dozen for us.  It’s sort of like being in Charlevoix but with sunshine… J
After a breakfast of ‘egg in a basket’, which is a fun way to make eggs and toast, we got ready to take a ride.  It was the first time we had the opportunity to try out our new helmet communicators while riding.  They worked great in the house but the house doesn’t have loud pipes and wind.  J  Made a couple of adjustments before riding, then we were ready to use them on the road.  They’re Bluetooth and supposed to have a 900 yard range.  I lagged back to test that…don’t know that I was 900 Yards behind Kim but he was having a hard time seeing me in his mirrors and we were still communicating.  Wind noise was a factor today but then the wind was forceful without being on the bikes.  We experimented and were able to dampen the wind noise by repositioning my mike.  However, when our direction changed and the wind was coming at us from a different angle, the noise was unavoidable.  Still able to communicate, just had to repeat what we were saying. As we approached the town of Coolidge, my speakers started crackling and I thought they were blown because I was playing my music too loud.  While I’m thinking through where and when I’d be able to get new speakers, I turned the music down to give the speakers and my ears a break…..but the sound continued. That’s when I realized that it was the wind crackling through Kim’s mike into my ears….and that’s when I turned my system off.
We stopped at the Coolidge Ace Hardware to get some supplies for Kim’s next modification to trailer life.  He wanted to add removable shelves on either side of the mattress.  Safe place to put our glasses, phones, his sleep machine or whatever.  He got to it as soon as we got back and our trailer now has shelves which we can remove and store in the cabinet when the bikes are stored in it.
We had a hard time finding the Ace Hardware in Coolidge….it’s not a huge town but we couldn’t find it just driving down the main street.  Excellent opportunity to use the navigation screen on my bike, right?  Stopped in a parking lot to plug in what we wanted because my bike tells me I can’t do that while moving…comforting to know that Zeus is looking out for my safety.  I ran lead because I have the nav screen….except I didn’t realize until we were moving that the map was too small to read properly and I couldn’t hear the lady talking to me.  Really?! This isn’t very helpful!  Stopped in another parking lot to consult Rapunzel…and I forgot that my mike was on when I was talking back to her about my confusion on her desired route.  Finally Kim said “Would you turn that off?  I can hear you while the lady in my phone is trying to talk to me.”  Oops! Sorry.  So Kim leads the way….I see the sign for Ace but we drive past it because his Rapunzel was bringing us in behind it.  Aghhhh!  But we find our way there, buy our goods and then head to Tag’s Café down the street.  When we came out after lunch the wind was fierce so we both turned our headsets off and moved the mikes upward.  As we’re approaching the frontage road, we have options:  straight then left to Picacho or veer right to Eloy.  I figure we’re heading back to Picacho so I stay the course as Kim hesitantly goes right.  Too late for me to correct my route and follow.  We both are at stop signs heading in different directions so I start yelling “Kim, I’m over here….Kim…Kim!” as he’s searching for me in his mirror.  Of course, he doesn’t hear me but eventually figures it out.  Old habits die hard…I’m yelling across 25 feet through the wind and bike noise when I could have just tapped a button on the communicator and talked to him…could have done that before we ever got to that intersection.   Good Grief!  (He pulled into the lane for Eloy because I had mentioned needing gas which I had totally forgotten about.)
Although the temperature was close to 80o today, the sun never came out in full force.  Thin layer of clouds all day long.  We got back from our ride and it was time for Kim to go pick up his telescope. He called but no answer so off to Tucson he goes…only to get there and find out it wasn’t done because Frank needs sunshine to collimate the scope and the sun wasn’t out today.  Dang!!  But all is not lost as he was able get a broom for the trailer.  Small consolation, though. L
While waiting for Kim to return, I decided to do some reading.  Because I wanted to sit outside in the warmth, I chose to sit in the sort of shade of 3 very broad and tall paddle cactuses.  It’s less strain on the eyes if whatever sunlight there is isn’t glaring off the page.  After a fashion I put my reading material down and closed my eyes to think on what I’d read.  After a few minutes my thoughts strayed and I became aware of something else….I was neither warm nor chilly, I just was.  The temperature around me was neutral.  It didn’t last long but for that brief couple of moments I became one with the weather…it was a very zen moment.  Namaste…. J  
Rode 79 miles today.

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