“The fun never
ends,” she stated with a note of sarcasm in her voice. Took a stone
to the windshield yesterday late afternoon on our way to Coolidge…cracked an
area about the size of a nickel on thedriver’s side. It doesn’t interfere with
the field of vision but sure don’t want to see it spider web across the
windshield either. Sent an email to Jenna immediately with a picture and she
got the ball rolling on getting it repaired/replaced. We have an appointment tomorrow morning in
Casa Grande to get ‘er done. They would have come out here to replace it on-site,
but the first opening was March 10 or thereabouts. No thanks, we’ll come to you.
Went for a walk
too late…11:30-ish. It was blasting hot, but we made it to the 9th
pole beyond the big tire. Progress, even
in the heat of the day. And bonus, we saw our first road runner of this year. Despite
steadying my camera on an electrical box, my pictures were a bit out of focus.
The Western Army National
Guard Aviation Training site is located about 4 miles down Picacho Hwy. It’s
not unusual to see helicopters in the area.
Today on our walk, there was a copter hovering out in the desert the
entire time we were out walking…maybe 45 minutes to an hour. It turned in circles
but basically hovered in the same spot.
I thought maybe today was hover training; Kim wondered if they were
actually scanning the desert for some reason. And I also wondered how much fuel it takes to hover
for an hour.
We’re having a problem
with honeybees on one of the feeders. Just one. Searched how to prevent
from getting into a hummingbird feeder and it turns out there’s no foolproof
solution but there are things that can lessen the problem.
*Bee guards…bees have shorter tongues than hummers,
using a bee guard will allow the hummer to eat but prevent the bees from
reaching the nectar.
*Move the feeder…apparently bees are easy to
confuse this way. However, this is a temporary fix as the bees may eventually
find it again; move it again if that happens.
*Make sure the feeder is clean
on the outside, no excess nectar.
*Keep the feeder in the shade
as bees prefer to feed in full sunlight.
Did a little research and came up with another idea; provide a
sweeter nectar to attract the bees. So, Kim mixed up a sweeter nectar, put
it on a plate and balanced the plate in a crook of the tree. The feeder they’ve
taken over is nearby so they should be able to find it easily enough. Between that and wiping down the feeder, I’m
expecting that tomorrow we’ll have a bee free feeder (try saying that fast
three times). If those two changes don’t work, I’ll move the feeder to a
more shaded area.
Bee trivia: Bees are attracted to the smell of dirty feeders. Old nectar ferments over time, creating a
stronger scent to attract bees.
Kim Project:
1. Repair the hot water heater. The camper’s water heater has electric and gas
capabilities. We’ve not used the gas
because we’re always hooked up to electric. When we got out here, using electric
wasn’t doing the trick, so Kim crossed his fingers and switched on the gas. Satisfied grin when it fired up and we had
hot water. It was working fine for a couple of days; then Kim got a cool shower
the other morning. Out of hot water.
Turned the gas ignition switch off, then back on…water heater started
purring. So, we had to keep an eye on the switch in the kitchen. Didn’t have
any more problems but Kim wanted to get the electric option going anyway. He ordered a part, which was delivered today, so he was able to start on it after our walk. He was a bit skeptical that his efforts were successful,
but after a half hour, when he tested the water, it was hot. Yay!!
While Kim was fiddling
with the water heater, I went into Eloy. It’s easy to forget what day it is
because we don’t have any reason to track our days. However, it did not escape my notice that
today is Wednesday, piggy cookie delivery day at the IGA in Eloy; or I should
say that was the magic day last year so that’s what I was banking on. I was not disappointed. The special shelf was stocked with an ample
supply of piggy cookies, as well as other Mexican pastries. Bought a couple of bags of cookiesand
treated myself to one as soon as I got back in the truck. Then I headed over to
the Hot Dogs Alvaredo food truck on Sunshine Blvd. to pick up a belated
lunch for us.
This I know: While I may find it difficult to pick the greatest classic rock song, I
have no problemstating with certainty that the Sonoran hot dogs made by Hot
Dogs Alvaredo are THE BEST hot dogs ever!
We’ve tried Sonoran hot dogs at another food truck, not as good. And
while a grilled beef hot dog on a bun with ketchup, mustard and relish is the smell
and taste of a good summer meal back home, it doesn’t compare to what we can
get at Hot Dogs Alvaredo.
Today, it was a piggy cookie and a Sonoran hot
dog for the win!!
It was a beautiful
warm day to be out on the bikes. When we got back from our walk, sweaty and
tired, I didn’t think I had it in me to put my jeans on to ride. I was thinking
I’d have to pass on a ride today. But by 4 o’clock, I had changed my mind; put
riding clothes on for a quick ride to Coolidge.
When we bought the new coffee maker the other
day, we also bought a toaster. Didn’t have a toaster in the camper and were
both delighted to find a simple, cheap one on a shelf at Wal-Mart. Kim was not disappointed in how his $9 toaster
performed the next morning.
Today, we rode to Wal-Mart looking for a simple, cheap mixer and a decent
loaf pan, both of which factored into the making of supper tonight. No $9 bargains
today, which disappointed Kim, who was certain we’d find a mixer for that
price. But it didn’t cost much more than
that and it looked like it would serve our purposes. Sold!!

Kim was planning on making meatloaf for supper tonight, hence the need
for a loaf pan. The other day, he read
an article about making mashed potatoes from potato chips and wanted to try it.
Boil water, pour in a bag of sour
cream and onion potato chips, and boil until they are mushy. Drain. Then add a touch of butter and mash,
using a hand mixer or potato masher. Season to taste.
It worked, sort of. Kim had added sour cream and milk before he mashed
the chips, which produced a rather runny mixture. Runny, as in it turned into soup instead of
mashed potatoes. But it was very tasty,
and we adjusted by drinking our mashed potatoes out of a cup. 😋 Adjustments to note for next time: 1. Drain
the potato chips longer, gently stirring them to release excess water and 2. Don’t
add any liquid until they’ve been mixed. And I suppose it would work with any flavor
of potato chip.
figured out the annotation feature on the ASI Air and is imaging the Lobster
Claw again tonight, adding tonight’s data to what he got last night. It’s a distant nebula and requires hours of
long exposures that can be stacked to produce a picture.
Even then, he’s not certain he’ll have anything to work with.
Always love reading your adventures...I have heard about those chip potatoes. Fun to try weird new things...