Sunday, February 16…I Want To Break Free (Queen)

 Woke up about 9 a.m. in no particular hurry to do anything, because…why?  We can’t do anything about the camper until tomorrow and Kim thinks it may be a few days beyond that to get the repairs done.  Of course, we won’t know for certain how long it’ll take until we talk to the repair guys but we’re not holding out much hope to be on the road tomorrow afternoon.
   Ha! We’ve been so focused on Monday being the day of discovering how we’ll proceed that we didn’t realize until midday that tomorrow is President’s Day.  Agh!! Hope that’s not a holiday for repair shops. 
   The one thing we can do about our situation right now is throw out ideas about how to spend the day and then discuss the pros and cons. Let the ideas begin:

**Is it okay if I open the curtains and get some natural light in here?Yes, please do!

**Rent a carNot a bad idea but how would we get it? Do they deliver?

 **Figure out how to use Uber Is Uber a thing everywhere?  Not a big fan of taxis, not sure I want to learn how to Uber.

**Take a walkGreat idea! The sun is out but I wonder if it’s windy. Didn’t bring my heavy jacket because I didn’t figure on being out in the cold of Kansas…thought we’d be in Arizona by now.

**Drop the trailer here at the hotel and get out for a ride in the truckWe’d have to find a protected from the wind, flat, out of the way spot to leave it.  Is there anywhere around the building that fits that bill? Though we’d definitely have to clear it with the guys at the desk before doing that.
   We availed ourselves of options #1 and 5…opened the curtains to allow sunshine to brighten the room and eventually unhitched the trailer right next to the sidewalk by our room.  The spot met all the criteria: out of the way…protected from the wind…and while not exactly level flat, it’s not on a major incline.  Oh, and we had permission from the manager.
   It was close to noon before we unhitched the camper and headed out in the truck.  Talk about a feeling of freedom!!  It felt like back in the day when I was a teenager getting the keys to my mom’s car and heading out with my best friend to see what fun we could find. 😎
   First stop was Home Depot so Kim could buy an important wrench that he knows he brought along but can’t seem to find. Then it was Arby’s for lunch, followed by a reconnaissance mission to find out where Hoyt’s Truck Repair and Laird Noller RV Supercenter and Repair were located.  Good thing we did because Rapunzel took us on a route containing a very bumpy railroad track crossing. I looked at the map and figured out a route that adds less than a mile but eliminates the railroad tracks. We don’t want to take any chances with bumps that will further stress the axle.
   After our recon mission was complete, we were at a loss as to what to do. I didn’t want to head right back to the hotel and neither of us wanted to be outside for very long because, while it was great that the sun was out, it was still bone chilling cold.  Then Kim mentioned going to a movie.  That’s it! We’ll be out of the hotel and the cold. There are two or three movie theaters in the Topeka area, two of them within 2 miles of the hotel. Only one of them had a movie that we cared to watch…Mufasa, the Lion King.  It was about 1:30 at that point, next showing wasn’t until 3:50, so we headed back to the hotel to wait it out.
  Enjoyed the movie and the popcorn.  So many tie-ins to the original animated Lion King, but one
might realize that only if one had seen the original many, many times with her children. 😏  Afterward, we stopped at a grocery store to get some microwaveable frozen food items. Made more sense than always going to the expense of restaurant food.  Now, will that frozen food be as tasty as the homemade rolls with cinnamon butter that we had at the Texas Roadhouse last night? Certainly not, but since it's a fraction of the cost, I’ll just pretend it does.
  I prefer using my phone for Rapunzel or Audible because I know the organization of my phone.  Kim has a myriad of apps on his phone that have little to no organization.  Not saying one way is more right than the other, just saying that I find his phone harder to navigate, so I prefer mine. 
  My car has Android Auto on it and whoever can navigate through the process by reading the prompts is able to connect their phone to my car. No big deal. The truck also has Android Auto but as it turns out, it’s a little more complicated process to connect. So, I was surprised to learn that my phone can’t connect without the permission of Kim’s phone. That’s right, Kim’s phone is the decider of who gets to connect to the truck through Android Auto.  Seems a little judgy to me.  
  Earlier in the trip when I tried to connect my phone to the truck, it sent a message to my phone saying that it needed Kim’s permission to allow the connection or rather it needed his phone's persmission.  Kim’s phone then received a message saying that a new phone was trying to connect, with a Confirm or Deny option. Pushed ‘Confirm’ and nothing happened. This happened multiple times before I gave up. However, I was able to figure out how to transfer the audiobook to Kim’s phone AND figure out how to play it through the truck.  I think that puts me one up on Android Auto.  Just sayin’….
Things that made me smile today (in no particular order):

*Having another chair brought to our room

*Getting away from the hotel

*Going to the movie with Kim

*Spanking the AI team in UNO!!

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