Thursday, February 20… Random Call (Les Shirley)

   On the road by 9:30 with our bellies full of hotel breakfast. It’s weird but the institutional scrambled eggs served at hotel lobby breakfasts are hands down my favorite. I know there’s not a cook back in the kitchen breaking eggs to scramble over a hot stove; I assume the eggs are either pre-cooked and delivered to the hotel where they are heated and chunked up or are the result of an egg mixture poured from a carton into a microwaveable dish.  No matter…I like them.  But on this trip, every hotel has offered egg patties instead of regular scrambled eggs.  And they’re so uniformly round that they have to be pre-made, frozen and heated when needed.  I prefer scrambled over the patty.  Just an observation…
   No snow in Texas…no snow in New Mexico.  Partly sunny sky with temperatures on the rise: when we left Dalhart at about 9:30, the temperature was 13o with Picacho clocking in at 47o.  An hour later, Picacho was registering 56o.  Looking forward to it!
   Watched the eagle cam at odd moments today, but most of our time was spent listening to the Harry Bosch book.  I lose track of the story if I multi-task.  Today, the few minutes I watched I could tell it was Bella on the nest; she has a larger head than Scout.  And she was sprucing up the nest so I guess they do split the housekeeping duties.
   Our route today took us through Vaughn, NM.  Every time we come through that little town, I look for signs of revitalization.  But nope! It still looks like a ghost town.
   There are 4 viable businesses that can be seen from the main road: a diner, a hotel, an Allsups gas station in the middle of town, and another gas station at the edge of town.  Vaughn was established as a railroad town and sits at the intersection of two railroad lines as well as a couple of US highways.  US 60 is an east-west corridor and US 54 runs on a diagonal from the northeast corner of New Mexico to Alamogordo; both run through Vaughn and are heavily traveled by semis.  Apart from the four above businesses, the other buildings along the main street are rundown and abandoned looking. There is a residential area but even that doesn’t look modern.  I wonder where the residents buy groceries. 
   Somewhere along the line, Vaughn fell into disrepair and the census shows that the population fell from 1356 in 1950 to 286 in 2020.  Makes me wonder which came first, the businesses closing or the downward trend in population.  The whole plot of the movie Cars is how small towns suffered when new highways bypassed them; but Vaughn has a highway running right through it bringing lots of traffic through the area and it still seems to be suffering. 
  Ate lunch at The Four Winds Restaurant in Carrizozo, NM.  And because I thought to look on the geocaching app, we headed over to the town caboose for a geocache opportunity.  Found it, logged it and jumped back in the truck to continue on our way.  
   Heading down US 54 toward Alamogordo and a call comes through the truck from Joe Vogelheim, asking if Klooster Rd is plowed.  Well, that’s a rather random question.  We’re in New Mexico, and we don’t know if the roads back home are plowed.  He explained that his snowmobile got stuck while riding the powerlines, he'd called Christie to come pick him up, but needed to know if she could get through on Klooster.  Power lines on Klooster Rd.? There are no power lines on Klooster. Finally got his location straightened out: he was over by Pops Rd which intersects Klooster on the other side of Marion Center Rd, which meant that we were of no help to him. 
   We hung up, resumed listening to our audiobook, and 10 minutes later got another call from Joe.  After Kim greeted him, he jubilantly exclaimed, “It’s plowed!! Christie made it and now I have to get out to the road to where she is, but it’s tough going. The snow is about 3 ½ feet deep.”  Before our call ended, he wondered if Marshal was available to help him; I didn’t know but I texted Marshal’s phone number to him.
   About 7:30 p.m., I get a call from Marshal, who says, “I got a random call today and you’ll never guess who it was.”  Oh, I betcha I can…😏
   Made a stop at Pistachio Land on the way to Alamogordo.  I could call it a Roadside America stop because it is listed on New Mexico map; but really, it’s a required stop if we come through when they’re open.  I really like their ranch flavored pistachios…it’s just that simple.
   Also drove through White Sands National Park, which as it turns out is also on the Roadside America
map.  But that’s not why I suggested it; I just enjoy driving through the park.  Not that I would remember specifically how each dune looks from year to year, but I know that they’re always changing due to the constant wind. Today, with the dark clouds approaching from the east as a backdrop to the white dunes, it was easy to imagine that it was a snowy landscape instead of a sandy one. Further down the road, one of the big parking lots which is typically open was closed due to the 4-foot sand drifts lining the opening of it. The drifts showed evidence that the sand had been plowed, not blown, into that location. And from a distance they looked just like snowbanks; up close, not so much.  We didn’t get out of the truck, but I did have my window down.  It was windy but warm.   
    Staying in Lordsburg, NM, which is near the Arizona state line.  Got in the trailer today to trade in my winter shoes for my Keen sandals; thinking tomorrow I may have to trade my jeans for shorts or leggings. I also checked the chicken when I was in the camper.  Still frozen. However, it warmed up nicely throughout the day and I think the nights won’t be as cold as they have been.  Only 200 miles to go and now I’m wondering if the chicken will make it. 

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