Thursday, April 9...I Spy (For the F.B.I.)---(Jamo Thomas)

   OMGoodness! the obsession with walking that’s overtaken us because of Fitbit Bingo!  Along with the fun of Bingo is the fact that we don’t have much else to do so we walk, we ride, and we eat.  And I suppose there’s a small hope in the back of my brain that I can cancel out the eating with the walking, but I don’t think that’s happening.  Before the sun dropped below the horizon I had amassed enough steps, minutes and miles to complete the Bingo pattern.  Yay! 😊
   On today’s walk we noticed a light pole on the side of the road that had no light, so what was the purpose?  It looked like there was a video camera at top pointed away from the highway out into the desert. camera. Could this be something to do with the border patrol?  Trying to catch illegals?  There was a tiny metal sign on the pole...took a picture.  Valmont CCTV was engraved on the metal sign...Google time. I found this info on Valmont’s website:
As the technologies to enhance and secure public safety continue to evolve, there is none more crucial right now than the video camera. But the camera is only as good as the pole or structure that provides the view. That’s why many local, regional and federal public protection agencies trust Valmont® Structures to design and manufacture the reliable and durable poles and sign structures that can support the vital work of protecting the public.
   That doesn’t answer why there’s a video camera or who is doing the monitoring but it does kind of explain confirmed that it’s a pole. πŸ˜
   Train came along and the reason for the video camera was soon forgotten.  There was counting to be done. Kim was a little ahead of me so I was able to count out loud this time.  We both counted 232 cars with 5 engines...3 in the front and 2 in the middle. This train was between 2.38 and 2.60 miles.  Amazing!
   So following a pattern we’ve sort of established, we walked, we ate breakfast and then we jumped in the truck for a little ride. The purpose of today’s ride was to do a final check on the raven nest out on E. Park Link Drive and while we were there take a peek in a nearby hawk nest.  I’d seen a hawk sitting on the nest so I knew it was active.
    First up was the hawk nest.  Oh, no... Look, cows are under the saguaro. It looks like they’re standing guard. Agh!  Kim said no big deal so we grabbed our tools and set out on our mission...I let him go first. 😏  The cows danced around as we got closer and then they just ran off.  Whew! That’s better.   Before the cows ran off Kim thought he saw a couple little fuzz balls in the nest...sure enough, I saw three babies through the camera lens.  And as we’re standing there we hear distant screeching.  Both of our heads swivel in the direction of the noise.  Oh, shit! It’s the parents...where are they? Do you see them?  Will they dive bomb us?  This nest was higher than the raven nest so it took some stretching and several attempts for Kim to get the angle of the phone correct to get a look inside the nest.  I could see a little head watching the proceedings.  All the while we were hearing the screeching but we couldn’t see the parents anywhere.  Finally got a shot and vamoosed it out of there.  It wasn’t until we got home that I realized we were wrong about what was in the nest. There were 3 little ones and 1 dead thing.OMGoodness!  Kim, look at this picture. There’s a dead thing in there and it doesn’t have a head!  Ewwww!!! Mom or Dad Hawk dropped off some lunch for the young’uns before heading out. 😐 According to research I believe these were baby red-tail hawks.
   Next was the raven’s nest which was easier to reach.  I was hoping to see some little ravens but no such luck.  Still five blue-ish eggs.  But it looked like there were more decorations around the edges...sort of like decorating a nursery.
   Our bird watching done for the day we colored some Easter eggs.  It didn’t take long...there were only 11 eggs and 3 people.  But we had some fun with it. πŸ‘
   We decided to take a bike ride and Marilyn came with us. Just a scenic ride, no hurry.  Probably our last one as a group; maybe I’ll be able to sneak one in tomorrow.  Chances are we won’t be riding for a while when we get home so I want to take full advantage of the opportunity available here in Arizona.  We’ll be packing most of our extra stuff tomorrow in preparation for pulling out Saturday morning...bikes will be the last things loaded since Kim and I are sleeping in the area where they travel.  If time for a ride presents itself, I’ll take it...if it doesn’t happen, I won’t pout about it. 
   Mom’s foot is getting better in that she’s walking normally but still has pain...and probably will have until the suspected broken bone heals. 
   Kim is out imaging for probably the final time of this trip.  It’s a very clear night and the moon isn’t going to be making an appearance until later.  That’s another thing that probably won’t happen once we get home...not because of the shelter-in-place order or our quarantine but because of the cloudy Michigan sky.
Bike miles today: 64
Total miles: 2688
Marilyn’s miles: 753


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