Monday, March 23...What’s Happening?!?! (The Byrds)

Morning musings:
   Woke up early, had a good breakfast, went online to read the latest on the coronavirus only to find out that Michigan is shutting down for 3 weeks effective midnight tonight.  Shit!! Not really sure what this means for us. We’re over 2,000 miles from home...and suddenly it feels like we’re might not be able to return home in the foreseeable future.  I haven’t had any fear about COVID-19 to this point but the uncertainty of this latest turn of events is making a knot in my stomach.  This is going to take some processing on my part.
   Processing my thoughts: Everything I read mentions maintaining distance from those outside your household.  No problem there because the three of us have been a ‘household’ for 10 days now.  But our current ‘home’ is mobile...another plus with this trailer vs. the bike trailer.  We have a kitchen, a bathroom and beds.  Might have to beef up our non-perishable food supply but, again, that’s doable. If we travel there’s no need for a motel...we already know how we could make that work even with the bikes on board.  Gas stations are remaining open as an essential business. 
   Are we stuck in Arizona for an untold amount of time? At what point is getting back home considered essential travel? I know it feels essential to me but that may be more because I feel disconnected from my ‘real life’ back home. I’m all about spontaneity, rolling with the flow...but this doesn’t feel like that...this feels so out of control.  Aghhh! 
10 a.m. update:  Just watched Chip’s message from yesterday...went a long way to easing that knot in my stomach.  It’s still there just not tied as tight. 
   We’ve been getting texts and phone calls from people telling us of the recent lock down development back home.  Are they trying to tell us that we can’t go home...that we’re not allowed to travel into Michigan? No one is coming right out and saying that but is that part of the plan to slow the spread of COVID-19?  Arizona has been a great place to ride out the isolation gig and we’ve been adhering to all the precautions put out by the CDC.  But there’s always been the thought that at the end of March we’d be heading home taking all the precautions with us.  I need someone to tell me what this means for us...does lock-down equate to lock-out?  It’s the unknown that is so unnerving.  It’s not like I can call the Governor to ask her to clarify.  Hel-lo...can anybody tell me what this means? This is driving me crazy! ๐Ÿ˜•
1:45 p.m. update: Kim just read the entire list of lock down ‘Can do’ and ‘Can’t do’ items put out by Governor Whitmer...I didn’t know there was such a list but I'm certainly grateful for it. He simply said, “Return to Michigan to a home or place of residence from outside the State is on the ‘Can Do’ list.” 
   Yay! What a relief to know that we’re not being exiled, disconnected from the Mother Ship, uninvited from the party, stranded or whatever.  I realize everything is fluid...that nothing is set in stone as far as COVID-19 is concerned and that travel restrictions might still occur.  However, right now, the knot in my stomach has been untied. ๐Ÿ‘

   Went to town this morning...Kim wanted to stop at Family Dollar to replace a broken solar light.  We noticed a milk truck in the parking lot; Kim didn’t find the light but he got a half gallon of milk.   Next went to the IGA to look for eggs.  Yes, they had eggs, limit 2 cartons per customer.  Bought milk and eggs on the same day.  What a score!๐Ÿ˜Ž
  Today was sunny, in the mid-70s, with a warm wind blowing...perfect for a ride.   Marilyn decided to stay in camp and read...Kim and I were on our own.  We decided to start on Indian Road 15 and then turn at Indian Road 42 which led to US 8.  From there we’d cruise on back to Picacho.  A loop we’d done before.  However, this loop included a detour into Casa Grande because Kim was on a mission to find a particular type of solar light.  Up until then we’d stopped at every Family Dollar or Dollar General on the route.  C-A-L Ranch in Casa Grande didn’t have it but Lowe’s did.  At that point we jumped on I-10 and boogied back to camp.  It took longer than we’d originally estimated but that was was a good ride. 
   As we pulled in the Lowe’s parking lot a couple wearing riding gear walked out carrying a couple of 2x4 boards...each of them 8 feet long.  Kim went in the store and I sat in the parking lot watching them try to figure out how to carry them home.  A truck came along and stopped to talk, maybe to offer help because the woman said that no, they were fine...that one time he carried a kitchen cabinet home on the bike.  What?!  Anyway, I was intrigued by how they were going to do this.  I really couldn’t imagine his first attempt was going to be very safe...he had the boards laying horizontal from the handlebars to the back seat.  Dude!  How are you going to turn with those boards on your handlebars?  In the end, he stood them vertically in the saddlebag, strapping them to a crate on back which enabled her to hold onto them as they rode.  As we were waiting at the stoplight they passed in front of us...sure looked strange.   
   Got a quick walk in tonight but a lot less steps today than normal.  The concern of the morning put me off my game.  Tomorrow is predicted to be hotter than today so walking will have to be a morning thing and I just won’t read any coronavirus updates until after I get back from walking.   
   Kim checked the sky chart and tonight is predicted to be clear and dark...great for imaging.  About 8 p.m. he was still waiting for a few wispy clouds to move out but other than that it was all systems go. 
Bike miles today: 105
Total miles: 1791

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