Wednesday, March 13…How Will I Know (Whitney Houston)

   The episode of This American Life that I listened to today was titled “The Question Trap”, an investigation of when and why people ask loaded questions that are a proxy for something else.

   One segment covered loaded questions asked on the first date that are used as a litmus test about the character and attitudes of the respondent. My first thought was, “Is that really fair??  Several women admitted to using this method to determine if there would be a second date.  They asked questions such as “What do you think of Beyonce?”…”What would you do if your ex and her date came walking into the restaurant right now?”…and oddly enough, ”What do you think of ghosts?”  I googled the subject several different ways, finally hitting pay dirt on ‘dating trap questions’ and was pleased to see a Reddit thread that talked about this very episode of This American Life. What a delightful rabbit hole I stumbled into!😎

   This was the Reddit posting:  There was a segment about "trap questions" on the This American Life podcast this week - innocuous sounding questions that are used to discern hidden meaning. The biggest example in dating they used was women of color asking their dates what they thought of Beyonce and extrapolating that answer out as a way to gauge their dates' opinion of strong successful women in general and of women of color more specifically.

   What are your dating trap questions and how do you interpret the answers?  Edit: "trap question" is a crappy name but it's the name they used on TAL, “filter questions” would have been better.

   Some comments were serious, some were humorous, and some seemed outraged that this is even a thing.  This comment was probably my favorite because it echoes some of my thoughts when I was listening to this segment, except my thoughts didn’t swear:

   As an autistic woman, y'all are so f*cking weird. If you want the answer to a question, ask the question.  Asking if someone likes Beyonce will tell you if they like Beyonce. If you want to know how your date feels about successful black women and female empowerment in music; f*cking ask them that.

   The idea that you can reliably extrapolate information about point B by asking something as vague as question A, is idiotic.  Boom! Mic drop!!


   Wednesday might be Hump Day for the working world but out here in Picacho, Wednesday is the day the piggy cookies are delivered. Last week I went on Thursday and found none; I did not make that mistake this week.  After my walk I jumped in the truck and headed to the IGA…bought enough to send some to the grandkiddos.  One of the things I enjoy doing when we’re out here…mailing stuff to the kiddos.


  It was windy today…the kind of wind that produced over 100 pictures on the cell cam of blowing branches. There were two videos of a roadrunner, though…it comes into view of the camera, stops like it’s deciding which direction to go and then goes.  Takes maybe 5 seconds of the 15 second video that the camera records.  Have only seen one roadrunner and that one was running across the highway in Coolidge.  All other sightings have been courtesy of the cell cam. 


   Took a bike ride over to the Tohono O’odham Reservation, turning onto IR 42, just before the borderpatrol checkpoint.  Looped around to jump on I-8 and took that to where it joined I-10, near Sunland Gin Blvd. It was a good day for a ride…sunny, warm and very little traffic on the scenic route we chose. Flowers are starting to pop...purple being the most common color. 


   Put a seed cake on a plastic plate and set it on the picnic table.  Yesterday, a dove and some sparrows were enjoying it.  Sometime this morning the plate had gotten knocked onto the ground and the sparrows were having a party underneath the table.  Didn’t take long for the remainder of the seed cake to disappear.  They’ve also eaten an entire suet cake and are diligently working on the second.  The cardinals are spending more time in the yard also; usually the male is on the seed cake, but the female seems satisfied to get what she can off the ground. 

   Tonight, there was an owl hooting not far from the camper. Haven’t heard that around here before. It took some time to realize it was an owl and not those incessant doves cooing. Plus, it was after dark…never hear the doves after dark.  Stepped outside to listen…very definitely an owl and it sounded really close, like in the bushes or across the street in a tree close.


   No imaging tonight…Kim is tired and the sky won’t be clear until late.

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