Wednesday, September 8…Blowin’ In The Wind and A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan)

 Disclaimer: Couldn’t decide which song title to use since they are both so spot on for today…so I’m using both of them.  I gave myself persmission to change my rules. 😏


   We decided to bust for home today.  Getting home a day early will give us time to get ready to head back to the U.P. on Friday for a family camp work weekend.  There were a couple of route options…chose to go through Marquette instead of Escanaba.  Either way it would be over a 300 mile day and we’d already been through Escanaba on this trip.


   It was just after 9 when I woke up this morning...funny but last night I’d imaged that we’d be on the road by that time.  It doesn’t take long to get packed when we’re in a hotel room since just the T-bags and technology come in the room with us.  But last night there were a couple of items we needed out of the trailer and unexpectedly the lid had a malfunction when it was opened…the hinge let loose and caused some damage which then wouldn’t allow it to close properly. Kim was able to do a temporary fix but the camp chairs that were strapped to the top of the trailer came in the room until it was time to pack this morning.  So we had a little extra to take care of before checking out but we were on the road by 11 a.m.


   Today was all about making miles…Rapunzel said it was 336 miles to home and would take 5 hours and 58 minutes.  No Roadside America stops allowed.  Stopped for gas, used the bathroom and got back on the road.  On one of our gas stops we had lunch at their café.  We made it home in just over 7 hours, which is amazing considering how the day played out.


   Weather woes: At the time we left the hotel it looked like we were going to avoid the minor green clouds showing on the weather radar.  No such luck.  We rode through bands of rain for the entire ride.  Thankfully the rain spurts didn’t last long but they came on very quickly and oh, how painful that rain was when it hit. It was the sharp stinging kind again.  So it wasn’t necessarily the amount of rain that made it hard to see, it was the type of rain.

   Had to stop twice after going through a rain spurt…I couldn’t get my visor down quick enough and the rain came in over top of my goggles.  The inside of the lenses was getting rain spattered right along with the outside and needed to be wiped off.  The second time it happened my eyes were being hit by the rain also.  Very hard to keep your eyes open when it feels like they’re being stabbed by water.    

  Kim uses his visor a lot and kept it down all the time today; my goggles don’t fit so well under my visor so I typically don’t use it at all. Not using it was a mistake I made early on but I’m a fast learner so eventually I kept it down. 

   When the rain was coming down especially hard I would slow down and the gap between Kim and I would widen. More than once he came on the radio to let me know that I was almost out of the rain or that it was slacking off…giving me encouragement.   

   And the wind was an issue in places also.  Like when crossing the Mackinac Bridge.  Both of us have crossed the bridge many times and it’s always some degree of windy.  But neither of us have ridden in the type of wind we encountered today.  It was lean into it or be blown over.  And I mean lean into it hard.  As if that wasn’t stressful enough the needle rain started when we were about a third of the way across.  Very thankful that there was no construction in the southbound lanes so we weren’t forced to ride the grate.


   I didn’t realize it until Kim mentioned it but we rode from the Holiday Station in Wetmore (near Munising) to home without stopping, which Rapunzel says would be 178 miles and about 3 hours.  Add that to the stress of riding across the bridge and it’s no wonder the muscles in my right shoulder and neck were unbelievably tensed up and painful when I stopped in the driveway.  I was in the shower about 15 minutes after arriving home. 


   Despite today’s weather this time away on the bikes was a good break from real life.  Now we’re home, refreshed and ready to wade back into it. 

Wednesday’s miles:  341
Total miles: 1621

And we're home!!

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