On the road before 8:45 a.m. with dire weather
warnings along our route….wind, rain, possible hail and maybe a tornado or two.
Huh! Walked outside to a balmy 66o
and a warm breeze. We’re about 120 miles
out of Spring Hill and are just now driving into rain accompanied by a bit of thunder/lightning. Temperature dropped from 79 to 66 in a matter
of five miles. Up to this point, the
worst weather issue was humidity. Oh,
gracious, yes, we’re back in the land of humidity. 😕
TN WonderKid time!! |
We went in search of open roads and starry
skies and found them.
We also...
saw a hummingbird make a nest,
found a scorpion,
watched a Chihuahua race,
spent time with friends,
rode over 77 miles on our bicycles,
rode over 3450 miles on our bikes.
It’s been another good Kim n Karen
haven’t stopped at a Harley dealership in our travels this trip, mostly because
there aren’t too many out where we were.
Today on our way through Conway, Arkansas, I saw a dealership on the
other side of the freeway. I told Kim
about it and he said “I might have to go back…I need a shirt”. At first Rapunzel was being a bit stupid
about directing us there….she took us back 3 miles and then took us right back
on the highway. We could have given up
at that point and said ‘Well, I guess we just weren’t meant to stop there’ but
we persevered because this dealership has the best name ever and Kim wanted a
shirt. So I had a stern talk with
Rapunzel and then she was spot on in her directions to the Toad Suck
Harley-Davidson dealership. There is a story behind the name…in fact, the
dealership has it printed up and will hand you a copy if you ask the magic
question: What’s up with the name Toad
Suck? This is the explanation:
The most common question asked from
folks who ain’t from around here is:
“What the heck is Toad
Practically every town in Arkansas
has a legend but ours is pretty unique.
We’ve even got a park named Toad Suck.
According to local lore, Toad Suck began long ago when steamboats
traveled the Arkansas River just a few miles from our location. At certain times of the year the water level
would drop, causing the boats to drop anchor and spend time waiting for the
depth to rise back to safe transiting depth.
sailors sometimes, do, the crew would disembark and find a local tavern to pass
the time away. Some of the local residents
would proclaim:
guys suck on bottles till they swell up like toads!”
The river is now controlled
by Toad Suck Dam and the
taverns are long gone but the phrase “Toad Suck” lives on. It’s even glorified with TOAD SUCK DAZE
FESTIVAL every spring and, of course, here at
Toad Suck Harley-Davidson
Coolest t-shirt!! |
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