Come on...sing it with me!

Tuesday, April 5
Got into Holbrook last night after 8:30 and we were set up before 10.  We tried to be stealthy because there were two other tent sites occupied.  So we unloaded and parked the bikes without turning them on, which would have totally crashed the silence of the night.  And we got the trailer set up for sleeping with only a few loud noises. 
The leaves on the trees were full out in Picacho…the leaves here in Holbrook are in the beginning of the process.  Some trees still have just buds and some have leaves that are just unfurling.  Elevation change makes a difference…at about 5000 ft now.  Temp was a little cool last night, relative to what we were experiencing in Tucson.  The day is warming up very nicely, though.
Thankfully, I’m able to get online in this campground while sitting in the trailer.  Last night, I sent an email to another source I found online who might help me with my Ghost Bike question…who is Rafe?  I wrote:
Upon leaving Tucson today, heading out SR 77, we came across a white bike near Oracle.   We stopped and thought it was just a roadside memorial until I googled 'white bike near Oracle, AZ'.  I was searching to find some information on 'Rafe', the name on the bike.   That search led me to ghost bikes....and that's what I think we found.   However I can't find any official recognition that that's what it is.  My question to you:  Is it a ghost bike and do you know anything about a cyclist named Rafe involved in an accident at that location?  It's a haunting memorial.

Here’s the response I received this morning from Bicycle Tucson—Tucson’s Two-Wheeled News Source:
It is a ghost bike and unfortunately there are many around Tucson. Pretty tragic.  It provided a link to an article from the Arizona Daily Star, but I was unable to cut and paste from that site.  I did find another site,, which reported his death using the Daily Star as a reference.  This is what was reported:   University of Arizona (UA) marine ecologist Raphael “Rafe” Sagarin was killed Thursday (May 28) when a pickup truck swerved partially off the road and hit Sagarin from behind while he was on his bicycle, the Arizona Daily Star reported. He was 43.
   The driver, Gary Colvin, was allegedly impaired at the time and was charged with manslaughter.
  Sagarin was leading a project at UA’s Biosphere 2 to create a living model of the Gulf of California. He was also an expert in adaptability and would consult with the American Red Cross, the US Department of Defense, and large corporations “on how they can unleash the natural power of adaptability to survive and thrive in an unpredictable world,” according to his websiteThere was more to the article but this satisfies my need to know about Rafe. 
A woman riding a Harley trike came into the campground this morning before we left for the afternoon.  She’s retired, from Florida and didn’t want to just waste away sitting on her couch, so she’s traveling on her bike.  She tried to get others to ride with her but they just wouldn’t totally commit, so she got to a point where she said “I’m going, I can’t keep waiting.”  Started last September, slowly making her way across the country.  She took a couple of months off to return home (January and February), leaving her bike stored at a friend’s house in New Mexico.  She doesn’t really have a time table and says she’s having a great time by herself.  I admire her gumption….don’t know that I would ride cross country by myself.  But I certainly understand being in a situation where your heart, mind and soul are telling you to do something but you have no one to do it with.  It’s then that you have to decide if you’ll let that stop the dream.    
Today’s ride was all about me standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona!!  I put it on the ‘must do’ list when we were planning this trip.  Winslow is about 35 miles to the west of Holbrook.   Started out taking the road less traveled and really, it was a nice ribbon of road…until it turned to gravel.  Then we headed for the highway to get us there.   Got confused a time or two, but eventually found the corner we were looking for.  After we were done, I took us on one of the craziest routes to get back to the highway.  I could see the highway….I just couldn’t get us to an on-ramp of the highway. We circled through residential areas, we cruised past the high school, we kept turning in the direction of the highway…but it just wasn’t happening.  It was one of those “so close and yet so far away” scenarios. We’d stop and Kim would say ‘Well, let’s just go up a little ways to see where this road goes.’  That happened a couple times, but nothing was looking familiar….then we came up to the intersection of the exit where we originally got off the highway, but we were coming at it from the opposite way. I don’t know how we managed that, but, hallelujah! we found an entrance to the highway!! 
There is an actual corner in Winslow that takes its cue from the Eagles song ‘Take It Easy’.  There is a statue by a lamp post and a sign above the post that says ‘Standin'on the corner’ and the building behind it has a mural of the reflection in a furniture store window of a girl passing by in a flatbed Ford.  Not only that but there are windows above that are part of the mural, too….an eagle sits in the corner of one window and, faces unseen, there is an embracing couple in another of the windows.  It’s all very cleverly and artistically done.  There’s even a real flatbed Ford sitting along the sidewalk. It’s a popular corner….in the short time we were there, there was a constant flow of people of all ages taking pictures and posing for pictures. There are still tributes to the late Glenn Frey being put in front of the statue, also.  Various songs from The Eagles provides the soundtrack to a visit to the corner, thanks to the store across the street.  I had my camera on a tripod and the self-timer set so we could take a ‘family’ photo…I usually have it set to take 3 pictures.   Push the button…hurry to get in place…as the camera started taking pictures, “Take It Easy” started playing.  I consider that to be superb timing!  J 
We wanted to be back in plenty of time for Kim to make some adjustments that had to be done during daylight.  On the way back from Winslow, it looked like the sky just wasn’t going to play nice tonight for stargazing…a layer of thin wispy clouds was moving in overhead.  But Kim did what he needed to with the scope setup, then set about making supper.  However, once darkness really set in, the clouds moved on and the stars popped out…Kim sprang into action to get the scope set up.  He said he’s feeling a good vibe out there.  J


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