Last night coming into town I saw a highway sign for the World’s Largest Pitchfork. Told Kim that I’d like to see it before we got on the road today. When I checked the Roadside America app I was surprised to see maybe 15 markers scattered around this little town. And the cool thing is that the Wind Chime was one of them. Cha-ching!!
Found the wind chime right next to the Whitling Whimsy café where we ate breakfast along with a lot of local folks. But first we both pulled the rope to make the wind chime sing…such a resonating sound. Kim even bought me a large wind chime to go with my other two at home. Now to figure out how to hang it.
According to local people we talked with, back in 2010 Jim Bolin had the idea to make the World’s Largest Wind Chimes outside the family diner. And so the World’s Largest theme began. Rocking chair, mailbox, wooden shoes, teeter-totter, barber’s pole, key and more are all located in this little town. Not only do they have certified World’s Largest items but they also have what they call ‘Big Attractions’: Antlers, rocking horse, pencil, mousetrap, bird cage and more. is their website.
I was told that the whole town gets involved…Jim Bolin might have the ideas but the businesses in town work together to make it happen. And most of these items are located in or near a business so it benefits the businesses also. The mailbox is located next to a gift shop…go in to buy a postcard, climbthe steps into the mailbox where you can drop your mail in the slot which causes the flag on the outside to lift. Very cleverly done. And once I found that out I did go put some mail to the WonderKids in the slot so Kim could video the flag going up. The front of the mailbox is open but capable of being closed…Kim noticed the steel cable and winch set-up. The mailbox was being power washed this morning so I asked the guy if they ever close the mailbox. Only in a strong northerly wind was the answer. The same guy said it took about three years for the rocking chair to become a reality.
I was told that in order to be considered for the World’s Largest (Guinness Book of Records) the scale of an item must be accurate and also it must operational. For instance, the yard stick had to be able to accurately measure so the numbers indicating inches are actually a foot apart...and maybe that’s also the reason the mailbox flag is operational. I’m sure it was assumed that the wooden shoes are usable…Paul Bunyan might be the only one big enough to test them out.😎 There’s a sign on one of the shoes that states all money thrown in the shoes for ‘good luck’ is donated to the CaseyFood Bank…lots of bills and coins in there. And while the rocking horse isn’t the world’s largest, it is the size of a Clydesdale horse and is fully functional. Except riding it isn’t allowed for safety reasons.
Kudos to Jim Bolin and Casey, IL, for making your little town unique!
Cruised into the Mitten at about 4:15 p.m….46o and the sun shining. Never been a real fan of the Pure Michigan slogan but I do like seeing the Welcome to Pure Michigan sign when we’re on the last leg of this trip.
The last thing to do before we cruised on home was to stop to meet the newest member of the family.Juniper is already one month old; we’ve seen lots of pictures and videos but it’s time to meet her in person. So we made a quick stop to see Ezra and Anna and get a chance to hold and snuggle the baby…then we were off again.
Pulled into our driveway at about 10:30 p.m. Another Arizona adventure has come to an end.