Friday, April 9...Count On Me (Bruno Mars)

  Shaved, showered and on the road by 9 a.m.  Sky is overcast and there’s a good wind but the temperature sits in the mid-50’s.  Still wearing shorts and sandals, no socks though.


   Told Rapunzel to avoid toll roads so she got creative in routing us around the Chicago area traffic. We were driving in the outer lane through a business area of some little town when a nice red car passes and then pulls right in front of us and, no kidding, immediately hit the brakes to turn into a business on the right which may or may not have prompted me to say “What the hell?!” rather loudly.  We are 40+ feet long and stopping quickly is not easy.  The person couldn’t have gotten in behind us?  Was it really that important to put all of us and others behind us at risk?  Thankfully the brakes held and we were able to stop inches from the rear of the car as it seemed to take it's time turning and no one rear ended us because it was so sudden.  I had a strong urge to open the window to flip them off and yell crazy things but my good angel won the battle on the one.


   Cruised into the Mitten at 11:30 a.m.  So good to see that blue Pure Michigan sign overhead and to make it official Rapunzel said, “Welcome to Michigan!”  And we’re back to our normal time zone.


   We’re adding a little bit of time and mileage to our day...decided to go to the north side of Holland to stop and see  Aunt Butch, Kim’s 97 year old aunt or at least see if she’s home. Aunt Butch is the clearinghouse for all happenings in the family and the local neighborhood (the area where both Kim and I grew up), has a big laugh and is prone to profanity in a non-offensive way.  It’s always been her mission in life to be of service to people especially her immediate family.  Back when I first joined the Bakker clan I used to hear it said that her kids/grandkids were always taking advantage of Aunt Butch; however as I got to know her, I could see that she doesn’t feel that way at all.  She sees it as her duty to help out in any way she can...and she enjoys being able to do that.  She was the chauffeur for the weekly lunch outing with the ladies. However, a year or two ago she confessed that her get up and go is just gone. She also stopped driving about the same time. Every time we’re in the Holland area we try to stop and visit for a few minutes.

   Aunt Butch was home so we were able to  visit for a half hour or so.  A few months back she had some a-fib going on and is now on Eliquis which she says has made a huge difference for her.  She ran it down for us...clean the back of the house on Tuesday, the kitchen/living room area on Wednesday, and the breeze way area on Thursday.  Monday and Friday are her goof off her words ‘I don’t do a damn thing if I don’t want to on my goof off days’.   And she’s pleased that she was able to get her COVID vaccine.  I believe that she’s already planning a family gathering.  However she has a great grandson who’s afraid of needles and, if necessary, she’s willing to drag him in and sit on him so he can get his vaccine and join in family gatherings.  I love her spunk!


   We’re on what feels like the final leg of the trip...Grand Rapids to Charlevoix.  Still almost 3 hours and 185 miles from home but we are definitely on familiar ground.  Kim could drive this route with his eyes closed but I’ll make sure he doesn’t.


   Ran into rain just north of Grand Rapids and then ran out of it before Big Rapids.  This was a bigger rain than yesterday...big enough for the wipers to be on high instead of intermittent.


   It was 58o when we arrived home at 6:45 p.m.  The truck wasn’t even in park before there were WonderKids running out of the house to welcome us home.  😎

                                                  And so another Kim n Karen Adventure has come to an end.


Thursday, April 8...The Cave (Mumford & Sons)

    Whoa!  The time changes and the 600 mile days are catching up with us.  Slept until 9:30 this morning.  On the road before 10 with Kim carrying his coffee cup full of coffee, freshly made in the camper.  First thing he did last night when we got in the camper was switch out the coffee makers...made the one that works the accessible one. 


   The western side of Missouri is starting to green up...the grass as well as leaves on trees.  And there are bushes with purple flowers popping out so there’s color to go with the green.  Cloudy and 50o, not a bad travel combo. 


   I will occasionally use my computer when we’re fills the time. To illustrate the difference between yesterday’s belt separation ride and today’s used tire ride:  Yesterday when the truck had a lame tire I couldn’t keep track of the mouse pointer on the screen and today I was able to post to the blog while cruisin’ down the road. Copied and pasted the journal, imported a picture and posted it without incident.  Smoother is an understatement.  😎


Soda straws

   For today’s diversion we took a tour of Meramec Caverns in Stanton, MO.  The Jesse James Wax Museum was closed for we opted for the cave tour.  It was a good substitute.  Tour was about 1.5 hours and our tour guide was knowledgeable but spoke very quickly and had a knack for throwing jokes in with cave information. Neither of us could understand much of what he was saying but this isn’t our first cave tour so we knew the basics of stalagmites, stalactites, ribbons and soda straws.  Marvel at the formations and take a picture...we’re both capable of that.  Each cave has its own special features and Meramec did not disappoint in that regard: 

   *The Wine Room: The Wine Room is home to the world's rarest cave formation, The Wine Table.  The onyx table stands six feet high and is supported on three natural legs. Known as an aragonite formation, this structure was composed almost entirely underwater. The Wine Room and the Wine Table are adorned with grape-like clusters called botryoids.

  *The Mirror Room:  The Mirror Room is a room within the cavern that contains a stream of water about 1.5 ft (0.46 m) deep. However, when a group of lights are turned on, the depth of the water is perceived by many to be as great as 50 ft (15 m), due to the reflection of the cavern's roof on the undisturbed water.

   *The Theater Room: The Cavern also contains a massive sheet wall of formations formed during the past several thousand years, which the cave calls its "stage curtain" and which is also used for displaying the light and sound show called "Greatest Show Under the Earth".  We were treated to a short video accompanied by the song God Bless America.

Meramec Cave Trivia:

**60o in the cave year round.

**Two episodes of the TV show Lassie were filmed in the cave as well as some footage for the 1973 movie Tom Sawyer.

**Rumored to be the hideout of Frank and Jesse James

**It was a station on the Underground Railroad  

**In 1960, Meramec Caverns rented out billboard space in the caverns.


   Came out of the tour to find that it was raining. Not hard but wipers were needed...all the way into Illinois.  Temperature holding steady in the low 50’s.  I did put a pair of socks on earlier in the day but am still wearing shorts. 


   Kim has decided it’s a hotel night.  Not willing to drive another couple of hours and then crawl over the bike tie-downs to go straight to bed.  Plus he wants a shower.  When we stay in the camper we really have no sitting options as the bikes take up the dining room/kitchen area.  Taking the bikes out is an option but one we don’t usually do on an overnight and especially not in a random rest area.

   Stopped for the night at about 9:15 p.m.  There was a Super 8 on an exit and Kim pulled off.  Sitting in a hotel room and neither of us knows exactly where we are.  However, a quick check on the receipt tells us we’re in Pontiac, Illinois.   We’re maybe 60 miles from the southern end of Lake Michigan...the crazy Chicago traffic area.   About 460 miles to go...Rapunzel figures it’ll take us about 6 ½ hours.  I’m ready to be home. 


Wednesday, April 7...Cadillac Ranch (Bruce Springsteen)

    Back on the road at 8:40 a.m. after a restful night sleep.  Walked out of the camper to find that new neighbors had moved in throughout the night and some had left...all without disturbing my sleep.  


   Forty five minutes into our day we crossed into the Central Time 9:15 became 10:15 and another hour of our lives lost to traveling eastward.


   Getting coffee is the first item on the agenda....we had power last night due to the generator but the only coffee maker within reach was the Keurig and it was not doing its job.  I don’t even know why we still have it except for a budget minded "what if it suddenly starts working again and then we can just keep one in the camper?" mentality. The new coffee maker is stored in the corner of top storage shelf because that’s where it fit. Getting at it would require climbing up and over my bike...not an easy task given all the tie down straps.  So we are on the lookout for a truck stop.  Been on the road an hour and haven’t seen anything yet.


   Back in the Land of the Wind Turbines at the western end of the Texas Pandhandle and most are moving so that must mean we are back in the wind. I’m still wearing shorts and sandals but the socks and jeans are in the back seat.


   Stopped at Cadillac Ranch again...first had to go buy some spray paint.  Then we went out and did our standard graffiti on an upside down Cadillac.  We’ve stopped 4 or 5 times over the 6 or 7 years but it never get old for me. It’s just a required stop on our way through Amarillo. Two main reason:  #1. It breaks up the monotony of driving and #2. It’s just fun!

    Cadillac Ranch is stuck out in a flat farm field where it’s always windy.  Today a farmer was plowing a field not 20 feet from the cars...luckily he was downwind from all the paint being sprayed otherwise our designs would be a little gritty from his dust.  Despite the constant wind, it was warm today.  Every other time we’ve stopped there’s been a cool to cold wind coming across that field.  Not was about 58o and very comfortable with the wind.  And it was a busy, busy place.  Artwork is constantly being painted over so a person needs to get a picture of his/her art before leaving because it won’t be there the next time they stop. 😎


   Stopped at a rest area in Texas to have eat lunch.  We had bought some salad kits for just this purpose.  The weather was warm and sunny so we headed to a sheltered picnic area.  Due to the wind I thought it was chilly in the shade so I opted to sit on a bench in the sunlight until my salad started blowing off my fork before I could get it in my mouth.  I finished my lunch in the truck.  Kim stood in a protected corner of the shelter to eat his. 


   The truck developed a noticeable shimmy last night...Kim thought one of the tires was out of balance; he was inclined to wait until we got home to check it out.  Today it seemed to be getting a bit more pronounced and I started asking questions.  Could an unbalanced tire damage the truck?  Could it cause the wheel bearing or the u-joints to go wonky?  or the tie rod to fall off?  We can’t exactly call Larry to see if he could pick us up again, ya know.  We were approaching Sayre, OK, and Kim, picking up on my anxiety about the situation suggested I see if there was a tire shop located in Sayre.  Maybe we could have the tires balanced sooner rather than later. 

   Found that Sayre did have a tire shop...good deal.  Managed to drive past it and had to turn around in a nearby parking lot to get back to it.  As Kim was pulling up alongside of the building, a guy was at my window saying, “I know what your problem is. Your back tire has a belt separation.”  I got out of the truck, nodding my head like I knew what the hell he was talking about, which I didn’t...but I could see the bulge he was pointing at on the rear passenger side tire.  He said, “It’s been vibrating, hasn’t it? Well, it was have been a lot more noticeable if you didn’t have the trailer.”  Said that he heard it when we went past and then saw the problem as we were turning around.  He didn’t carry 20” tires but did have a decent used one. 

   When Kim got back in the truck I asked if he thought what we were being given the straight scoop.  Yes, as soon as we got off the highway and I felt the vibration at a slower speed I knew it was a belt separation.  Knew that we were beyond an unbalanced tire issue.

   Cost was about 45 minutes and $50.  So grateful that Kim decided to have it checked out to ease my mind.  Another extra dose of God’s traveling grace coming our way.

On the road update:  Vibration is gone and an unexpected benefit is that my seat belt has stopped pinning me to the seat.  All day my movement was being restricted for no apparent frustrating!   Now I’m certain the vibration was the cause.  Anyway, the seatbelt issue is now but a memory. 👍


   Pulled into the Joplin Welcome Center and Rest Area at 11 p.m.  Drove 602 miles today....time to get out of the truck!